Opening of Vittoria Comics & Games, comic book and video game fair.

This morning he opened his doors Victoria: comics and games, a comic book and video game fair organized by Emaia Fair. The stands of the Vittoria Fair Citadel are equipped with facilities for various events and exhibitions.

Mayor Francesco Aiello cut the inaugural ribbon. With him was Fiera Emaia President Carmelo Diquattro and the promoters of the initiative Alessio Tesol, Giovanni Melfi, Paola Yurato, Rafaele Assenza and Stefano Sallemi. Vittoria Comics & Games will host Monnie Knight. The presentation moment followed in the Emaia conference room.

Three days dedicated to “fun”ยป

During three days entirely devoted to the world of “entertainment”, various main characters from the world of comics and “fantasy” will change in turn: Ambergris Pazzanione of the most beloved and popular cosplayers in the italian nerd world, sidoniaa landmark for the pokemon community and nintendo, Maurizio Merluzzoentertainer, voice actor (voice of characters in many films), influencer and presenter, Alex Polidorias well as voice actor and official voice of Tom Holland, I player insidespouses of Italian gaming influencers, some of the most popular in Italy, John Muchacciamultifaceted artist Art Attack, Dario Mocciaone of the most famous Twitch Italia streamers, Sabaku No Maiku, Hey queen, Frederick, Kirenis.

The program that will unfold over the weekend is very rich, with music, dance and tournament events, you can find it on the official website.

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