Barbie: Hari Nef talks about the letter he wrote to Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie | Cinema

After the release of the Barbie trailer, Hari Nef he told an anecdote related to his presence in the film.

“Qhen I learned that I had been chosen to play Barbie in the Barbie film, there was a moment when it seemed that I could not participate in the film due to other commitments”explained the actress and model. “So I wrote Greta and Margot a letter basically begging them to fix the shooting schedule“.

Nef posted on Twitter an excerpt from the letter in which he spoke about the importance of the role:

My other transgender friends and I started calling ourselves “dolls” a couple of years ago. (…) Under the word “doll” there is the shape of a woman who is not really a woman…recognizable as such, but still fake. (…) We call ourselves the dolls in the light of what we know we are, what we will never be and what we hope to be. (…) We shout the word because the word matters. And no doll matters more than Barbie.

Barbie will be in Italian cinemas from July 20, 2023, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.

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