Pino di Mare On the street Artyom makes everyone angry: a bad sentence about depression

Artem Tkachuk, “Sea pine outside the window”, found himself in the middle of a storm due to an Instagram post about depression. The 23-year-old actor called the disease a state of mind of the weak. A statement that so outraged most users that the young man was forced to make his profile on the social network private. Subsequently, the account became public again, and the person concerned tried to defend himself in a long outburst of anger.

Pino di Mare On the street: what Artem said about depression

In a story posted on Instagram, Artem wrote: “Depression is the emotional state of the weak”. A proposal that left everyone speechless, with many blaming star Mare Fuori for making him dizzy after the series. On X, the social network once known as Twitter, many commented how these words belittle a serious illnesswhich today affects many people, especially among the younger age groups.

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Artem defended himself repeating it “Depression has been my best friend all these years and I have learned to deal with it by working and taking control of my mind on my own. Those who call themselves the strongest are actually the weakest we grew up with anger you recognize us right away, we have different eyes.” And again: “Before criticizing a person, you need to know at least 20% of what he went through, how many monsters and doubts he had to defeat on his way and how many times he had to flee from depression, because he couldn’t afford that luxury called depression“.

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