North West, at just nine years old, Kim Kardashian’s daughter owns a beauty brand!

North West – the eldest daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West – at just nine years old can boast four bands registered under her name.

North West, at just nine years old, Kim Kardashian’s daughter owns a beauty brand!

It’s never too early to do business: the eldest daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, who at just nine years old already owns four brands to his name. The latest brand that the mother has registered for her daughter North West will be a brand dedicated to skincare.

North West, ready to become a real Kardashian

North West she is the eldest born of the marriage – now terminated – between beauty influencer Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West. The little girl has only nine yearsbut like her parents she can boast a huge following on social media: just think that the young woman has a Tiktok account with over 15 million followers.
The little influencer seems to be already preparing to follow in her mother’s footsteps and build a similar career for her future as an adult: as reported by the British magazine The Sun, Kim Kardashian has recently filed four brands in the child’s name at the US Patent and Trademark Office – i.e. the US patent office – so that no one takes possession of it before she comes of age. The last brand in particular will be dedicated exclusively to skincarean area very dear to the whole Kardashian family: both mom Kim and aunts Kylie Jenner and Kourtney have their respective lines of beauty products.

North West, a future as a successful entrepreneur

There are four brands that Kim Kardashian has registered to ensure a millionaire future for her eldest daughter, each one projected towards a different area: toys, entertainment, advertising and finally skincare. Again according to what was reported by The Sun magazine, these are brands designed specifically for the Alpha generation, that is, the one to which it belongs North West.


It’s no surprise that North West he will launch – who knows when – his own personal line of skincare products. Already together with her mother Kim, the young woman enjoys posting videos on Tik Tok in which she shows beauty routines, tries face masks, mousse cleansers, imaginative hairstyles and other beauty ideas, a sign that perhaps she has inherited a passion for beauty.

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