John Carpenter Legend, new book magazine Weird Book

John Carpenter – Legend, a groundbreaking project published by Weird Book and curated by Luigi Boccia, Giada Cecchinelli and Luca Borri.

From strange bookItalian independent publishing house dedicated to the worldhorror He was born in strange, there is a novelty of the project, which can be called revolutionary. We’re talking about new bookmagazine by name John Carpenter – Legend. The project is the world’s first book magazine dedicated to the figure of one of the greatest American directors.

But before explaining what it is, we inform you that the first volume Book-Magazine available from June 20 available in all comic stores and bookstores in the Deluxe glossy edition, limited to 500 numbered copies.

The project curator is Luigi Boccia, Giada Cecchinelli AND Luca Borri. Inside the volume you will find contributions Giovanni Toro, Marco Santeusanio, Roberto Lasagna, Edoardo Rosati. Massimo Moscati, Mario Galeotti, Fabio Zanello, Giovanni Ascolani. Cover signed George Finamore.


A revolutionary project that combines book and magazine: a hybrid that combines interviews with the typical ideas of non-fiction. Here are collected the most striking elements of the private and creative life of a cult figure, multifaceted and master of his genre. Carpenter’s near-surgical precision in depicting society, in representing what lies behind the darkness within each of us, has made him the forefather of a way of thinking and creating cinema that has no equal. Because if it’s true that there are people who are capable of being different, there are also those who, like Carpenter, are born to be a legend…

John Carpenter – “Legend” is, ultimately and above all, an act of love, a desire to collect as much as possible to give a complete picture of an outstanding artist and pay tribute to an author who, even today, resonates with fantastic stories. in the collective imagination.

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