Samu, between dance and acting – Very true


Samu, between dance and acting

From the love of dance to the passion for acting, to the emotions experienced at Amici, to Verissimo the story of Samuele Segreto

Samu it is told to Very trueor Saturday 8 April. The dancer retraces with Silvia Toffanin the most intense moments of her adventure ad Friendswhich ended in the third episode of the evening, also talking about his passion for acting and his experiences as actor.

Samu and elimination from Friends
Samu – who in the evening phase of the program was part of the team led by his teacher Emanuel Lo and Lorella Cuccarini – had performed during the second heat in a gauntlet against the dancer Ramon on the ‘virtuosity’ in their specialty: thehip hop for Samu and classical dance for Ramon.

The dancer, after losing the challenge and performing a choreography to the song Two lives by Marco Mengoni, had been a candidate in the ballot for elimination with the singer wax it’s the same Ramon, designated in the following heats. Samu, therefore, had performed a choreography on the notes of Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake, and the jury made up of Cristiano Malgioglio, Michele Bravi and Giuseppe Giofrè had saved Ramon. Samu, in the final confrontation with Wax, had danced to the notes of the song Mamacita of the Black Eyed Peas.

Samu and Wax then went back to the house, waiting to receive the final verdict from Maria De Filippi: “I’m very well, I cried, because I got emotional, but even if I had to go home, I’m very happy. I feel like going out and for me, having arrived this far is already a victory. I am truly so grateful to have had this experience, which few are lucky enough to have. I have given everything and I have no regrets. I have grown so much and I have opened my heart to some people, I have built beautiful bonds. I will continue to pursue my dreams and therefore I am happy, “said the dancer to the presenter.

Maria De Filippi had then announced theelimination of Samu, and the dancer, embracing Wax in a tender embrace, said: “Thank you all, I love you all too much, I learned so much from all of you, I will never forget you. Friends it was the most important experience of my life“.

Samu and the message after leaving Friends
Samuafter exiting from Friendshad shared his emotions on Instagram: “Thank you, I can only be grateful to life for giving me the opportunity to have such an experience”.

Friends it was an emotional roller coaster. To really understand what this program gives you, you have to be lucky enough to experience it and I was. I found so many wonderful people who believed in me, unforgettable travel companions and an organization ready to churn out dreams for kids who dedicate their lives to this,” the dancer wrote, adding a few hearts to a snap of him.

“I am grateful to all the people who are part of this surreal dimension, because I have learned so much from each of you. I am grateful to all those who have given me and continue to give me so much unexpected affection from home that I hope in my small way to succeed to reciprocate to each of you. A special thanks goes to all the professionals who have followed and supported me, endured and motivated me from start to finish. Thanks to my professor Emanuel Lo, which gave me confidence from day one. I hope that 2023 can be the beginning of a journey full of ever greater adventures and opportunities,” concluded Samu.

Samu and the New York scholarship awarded to Amici
Samu, after his exit from Amici had won a one year scholarship at the Ailey School of New York – the Manhattan-based dance school of theAlvin AileyAmerican Dance Theater, founded by celebrated choreographer Alvin Ailey.

The bellerino had received the news from Tracy Inmanco-director of the school, who during a video call with Friendshe had said to Samu: “We are pleased to reward Secret Samuel with a one year scholarship Ailey School for 2023-2024″.

“The ‘scholarship program’ is the most competitive that the school can offer. The amount of disciplines taught in the school aims to create a versatile dancer, that can range in the world of dance and entertainment in general“, Inman added, addressing the dancer, who was moved to receive the news together with his former adventure companions.

Samu’s emotions after leaving Amici
Friends it was a dream. In the first period everything was strange, everything new. At first I may have had a bit of a brake, but slowly I managed to let everything out, sometimes even feeling embarrassed”, the dancer told WittyTv after leaving the Canale 5 talent show.

“They gave me one scholarship in New York, it is surreal to think that in September 2022 I was in Monreale and next September I will be in New York. I’ve always tried hard, I’ve always been so determined, I’ve been lucky enough to have a beautiful family that supports me and has always believed in my dreams. I am also grateful to all my companions, who have accompanied me on this beautiful journey”, added the dancer.

Instagram @samusegreto

The story of Samuel Secret
Secret Samuelthis is the dancer’s first name, was born in Palermo on July 23, 2004, and lives in Monreale, where he frequents the Mario Rutelli State Higher Institute. Samu – which is he has two brothers to whom he is very close – on the eve of the third episode of the evening Friends she had received a touching letter from her mother at school Loredanaand he was moved to read it and to see a photo of them attached to the letter.

Samu has been passionate about dance since he was a child. The dancer had started taking dance lessons in 2012, specializing inhip-hop. Samu, who had also taken part in the Hip Hop World Cup in Las Vegas, had then also approached the acting: “I want to live on artdo what makes me feel good. For sure, if I were forced to choose, dance would come first, because the emotions it gives me, what I feel when I dance is indescribable. With dance I feel like I really get naked, and that’s a beautiful thing. Dance is the language of the soul, but the world of acting is also beautiful“, the dancer had said to Maria De Filippi, before receiving the verdict of the elimination.

Samu, in fact, in 2016 had made his debut as an actor in the cinema with the film At war for loveand had then starred alongside Claudio Santamaria in the Canale 5 miniseries L’Ora – Ink against leadset in Palermo, in which he had played the character of Dino Ruscica, a boy who worked as an editor for the local newspaper, which dealt with episodes of crime linked to the mafia.

Between 2016 and 2017 Samu had danced in some TV programs, among which House Party And Pequenos Gigantes, and he had also performed in Brussels ne The Nutcracker. In 2018 the dancer had played Giuseppe in Mario French, a film of the Canale 5 film cycle Free Dreamersdedicated to courageous figures who sacrificed themselves in the name of justice.

Samu’s journey to Amici
Samu had entered to Friends on September 18, in the first episode of the talent show, wanted by the teacher Emanuel Lo.

The dancer in the school had dedicated a sweet message to Elena D’Amarioprofessional dancer and choreographer of the talent show, confiding i own feelings: “I’m in love with you, it’s a pity that more than ten years separate us, because age doesn’t count for me”, said the note, accompanied by a heart-shaped balloon, which Maria De Filippi had given by the dancer to Elena D’Amario, 33 years old in June. “I declare myself, but you know, you are beautiful, stupendous. I am purple now, right?”, the dancer had added, and Elena had commented: “Sicilian gallantry”.

Samu, before receiving the verdict of the elimination, had spoken of theLove: “Love for me is always a disaster.” “I testify that you always fall in love in the wrong way”, Maria De Filippi said with irony to the dancer, who echoed her: “I have always fought with myself against this thing, but love is the most beautiful thing that c ‘is, that too for my family.”

Samu ad Friends had lived some difficult momentsdue to some of his insecurities. Emanuel Lo in October had helped his student overcome some of his fears: “Often, out of niceness, I didn’t talk about many things concerning my character”, the dancer had said to his teacher, who had also expressed some insecurities related to his physical aspect: “I would like to change the height of my body, which has made me uncomfortable several times. Also at the castings of Friends I saw others who were taller than me, and this scared me. Now I don’t want to be afraid anymore“.

Samu in January, on the other hand, had told the dancer Maddalena: “I wonder if my path in school is a bit flat, I feel confused. I don’t have clear ideas about myself, I don’t understand myself”. The dancer, on the eve of the third episode of the evening, had had one confirmation of his talent: Samu, in fact, had won the ‘Freedom Test’ – a special audition judged by the dancer and choreographer Irma DiPaola – in which he was confronted with the other dancers of the school in an improvisation.

Samu and Beppe Fiorello’s message after Amici
Samubefore entering ad Friendshad starred in the film My body will bury you and recently he was one of the protagonists of the film Stranges d’Amuriwith which Joseph Fiorello made his directorial debut. The film, released in theaters on March 23, is freely inspired by a crime story that happened in Sicily in the early 1980s: the story of Toni and Giorgio, a couple of gay boys killed in Giarre in circumstances that have never been clarified.

In the movie Samu wears the clothes of Gianni Accordino, a 17-year-old boy who is targeted by some peers who have discovered his homosexuality, and is forced to suffer their prejudices and hatred in silence. His only comfort is his mother Lina, who supports him even when he has to contend with the violent nature of his partner Franco, owner of the workshop where his son works, who forms a friendship with Ninointerpreted by Gabriele Pizzurro, which then turns into a stronger feeling, which the boys are forced to keep secret for fear of the strong prejudice of those around them, until the tragic epilogue.

Secret Samuelafter its exit from Friendshad received words of esteem on social media from Beppe Fiorello: “We announce that we will continue the tour of the cinemas; in the next stages Samu will also come with us to greet you in the cinemas. Welcome back dear friend, you were great at Friends, you are a talent and a crazy dancer, now also enjoy the success of your film and the affection of the public who are loving it! We love you so much”, wrote the director accompanying the shot of a video call with Samu.

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