between fast trends and sustainability

The evolution of fast fashion: a new balance between fast fashion trends and sustainability

When we go shopping, the first thing we pay attention to is the price of clothes and their comfort. Our real needs, materials, origin fade into the background. What about the environment? Few people think that even clothes can pollute the environment. The trend of the moment is fast fashion. We buy a lot of clothes, wear them, save. But have we ever wondered if we are ethical in our shopping?

How clothing is linked to climate change

In December 1989, the first store was opened in New York. Zadar, Spanish clothing chain. The founder states that only 15 days pass from the moment of creation of the product to its arrival in the store. The New York Times captures this concept in terms that will become the fashion of the last thirty years. fast fashionfast fashion.
Now many brands use this formula. Companies that produce clothes at very low prices and with high pace. In recent years, this trend has led to depopulation throughout the world. You buy a lot of clothes because they are cheap, use them from time to time, and then throw them away.

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“Fast fashion”, according to the European Parliament, is currently one of the sectors less stable global economy. As mentioned earlier, production cycles are very fast, 2 to 4 weeks. This means that in just one year, a huge amount of clothing is produced. Even very low prices have a reason. That is exploitation any possible resource. The quality of fabrics, tailoring, design, work. Everything is done at the lowest possible cost.

This process obviously has environmental implications. The combination of low prices and continuous production has resulted in overproduction. As a direct consequence, I textile waste increased disproportionately in recent years.
According to the United Nations, 85% of the clothing produced ends up in landfills or is burned, which amounts to about 92,000 tons of unsold and unwanted goods per year.

Not to mention the very high water consumption in production andpollution In fact, the textile industry is responsible for 20% of the world’s drinking water pollution with microplastic waste. Even the production of cotton, which may seem like an environmentally friendly material, leads to the release of a large amount of harmful substances. CO2 in the atmosphere. In general, only the emissions of the textile industry are equivalent to 10% of the world. In short, the fashion industry seems very cheap to us, but not toWednesday.

Jackson David in the photo

Fast fashion means sustainability

This production system has undoubtedly brought fashion be available to many people who are usually excluded. But given its huge development, is there anything that can be done to make it more sustainable? Many realities are trying to find solutions in this regard. For example, one of them might be to create more durable productscompared to those currently on the market. It will also lead to slower production, reduced collections and investing in longer term trends.

Another solution could be to use best materials. Currently, the most used is polyester, a petroleum derivative. Unsustainable and highly polluting. Some of the raw materials that can be used as viable alternatives are, for example,Nettle (from which soft and transpiring fibers are obtained) ororange fiber (obtained from the remains of citrus juice), also used by Salvatore Ferragamo in one of his collections. Even recycling and textile waste must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

We could do it our way by selling unused clothes or donating them to those in need. In addition to selling, we can also buy clothes from usedor made from recycled materials. L’package Another key factor: Preferring clothing with minimal packaging or clothing that is recyclable is the best choice. At the same time, the demand for fast fashion is reduced and other types of clothing are being created. Which produce less waste and use less environmental resources.

Undoubtedly, public intervention could also reduce the damage. For this reason, members European Parliament they proposed tougher measures to stop the overproduction of textiles. For example, EU countries are required to provide a separate collection of textiles by 2025.

There awareness our actions in any case is the basis of change. It is important to choose clothing that has a minimal impact on the environment. When we buy let’s get information about the origin of the product and about its implementation.
Responsibility it also means buying less and trying to use what we have more often. Let’s remember: what we don’t pay for, the environment can pay for.

Read also:

Ecodesign directive: the future of the textile industry, between design and sustainability

How to dress for the planet: 5 documentaries on sustainable fashion

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