Boateng divorced Fradegrada? Gone photos and social cues

Kevin Prince Boateng AND Valentina Fradegrada they go further and further. New rumors are added to the rumors about the couple’s crisis circulating on the net in recent weeks. After the decision to say goodbye to football, all photos with his wife, who marriedJune 11, 2022 with a double ceremony, real and in the metaverse (which caused a lot of amazement and curiosity).

Farewell to Boateng-Fradegrad: social cues

After the disappearance of photos of the couple on their social media profiles, another clue to the final rift between Melissa Satta’s former partner (today happily paired with Matteo Berrettini) and the martial arts champion is the fact that the two they unfollowed each other on instagram. But that’s not all, as social gestures are followed in real life as well. According to several users, it was possible to notice in several photos that none of them are wearing clothes anymore. faith on the finger. Even thousands of kilometers separate them, because these days Boateng will be in Australia, and Valentine in Italy. As of now, the direct members have not made any statements regarding the matter, despite frequent and persistent questions on social media about the end of their love.

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