Top 5 Liam Neeson Movies You Can’t Miss

An Irish actor but Hollywood star, a versatile and charismatic talent who became an action-thriller icon of the 2000s, starting with films like “I will find you“, but loved internationally in the 90s, mainly due to “Schindler’s list“. But what are Top 5 Liam Neeson movies? Let’s try to highlight some of them in our study.

5 films with Liam Neeson

So here we take a brief detour to highlight five films that, if you’re a fan of the Irish actor or want to deepen his “myth”, you should definitely watch.

Schindler’s List (1993)

Obviously, as mentioned at the beginning, Steven Spielberg’s film is perhaps the most important and impressive film in the actor’s filmography. The real turning point in his career was the role of Oskar Schindler in one of the most famous, vivid and complex stories about the Holocaust that Hollywood could give the world.

Dark Man (1990)

Even before embarking on the “turning point”, in the not so distant 1990 (that is, three years before the release of Spielberg’s film), Liam Neeson played one of the predecessors of cinema, this Darkman Man.

The role of “Justice” began to stand out on the actor’s figure (up to a dozen titles in the 2000s), but in a decidedly darker and visually inspired sauce, courtesy of Sam Raimi’s signature.

Michael Collins (1996)

The film tells the story of the birth of the Republic of Ireland in a fictional way. A group of young adversaries led by Michael Collins are holding protests against the British government in Ireland. At the head of the political side is De Valera, a Machiavellian, selfish and probably manic-depressive politician who fears nothing more than Collins’ power and popularity. For these reasons, De Valera triggers the disastrous civil war that followed the independence of the new Irish state.

This 90s film, directed by Neil Jordan, one of the leading exponents of British cinema, is one of the best dramatic performances of actor Liam Neeson and one of the most impressive roles realized in his homeland.

Gangs of New York (2002)

In the early 2000s, this blockbuster master Martin Scorsese tells about the dawn of “civilized” America, is part of Leonardo DiCaprio and magnetic Daniel Day Lewistelling the stories of New York street gangs in the 1800s.

Liam Neeson is one of the “minor” characters, but at the same time a turning point in the fate of the story, which is certainly one of the most important titles in his filmography.

Batman Begins (2005)

In the version of Batman Christopher Nolanour Liam Neeson plays Bruce Wayne’s mentor, or Ra’s al Ghul’s character, the head of the shadow sect who will initiate Batman into the most refined martial arts.

Given the iconic Batman figure, and the critical and public acclaim for Nolan’s work (and the entire trilogy), we can safely rank this 2005 film as one of the most significant and unforgettable films in the Irish actor’s filmography.

Other movies to watch with Liam Neeson

However, Liam Neeson’s filmography is littered with other interesting films, not least “Detective Marlow”, 2022 (still directed by Neil Jordan), in which he plays the famous film noir detective of the 30s and 40s.

Anyone who appreciates Liam Neeson in the vein of action should definitely watch the 2018 thriller The Man on the Train or the 2012 survival thriller The Gray, as well as the western Relentless Hunt (author: a year before Io vi trotrovero and heyday of warrior cinema) in which he battles Pierce Brosnan, chasing him (for the sake of an old vendetta) from start to finish.

Last but not least, we note his presence in one of the episodes of the wonderful western by the Coen brothers.The Ballad of Buster Scruggsreleased by Netflix in 2018.

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