Museum visitor boom thanks to the Emergency Gazzetta di Reggio festival

Reggio Emilia This happened to Harry Styles, when in just one day the Civic Museums were visited by 220 people, and the Museum and the Sala del Tricolor by 300, and also happened with the Extraordinary Festival “Il Confine”: also in this case, the event, from Soon ended in Reggio Emilia, it triggered a peaceful invasion by numerous visitors who participated in the initiative and, as the data show, are also interested in the city and its cultural offerings.

Two of the city’s cultural institutions benefited particularly from this: the Palais des Museums and the Panizzi Library.

From Friday, September 1 to Sunday, September 3, during the days of the Extraordinary Festival, the Palace of Museums registered a record number of visitors – 5056 people. Of these, 2130 visited in detail the entire Palazzo dei Musei with its historical collections on the first floor and the New Italo Rota Museum on the second floor; exhibition “One Foot in Eden. Luigi Ghirri and other views. Gardens of Europe and Tree Architecture” attracted 1295 visitors; photo exhibition “Like the waves of the sea. Meetings Without Borders, organized in the same building by Emergency, attracted 1,631 visitors. As for the Panizzi Library, during the three days of the festival, the number of people who entered the Palazzo San Giorgio, which is also an exceptional phenomenon, reached a total of 2547 units: people who visited and viewed one of the municipal libraries from the “open shelf” are the most well-stocked and the largest in the country. What’s more, 60 of those people took part in the Friday night show; 70 children and teenagers at specialized master classes and 70 adults at the conference, which takes place on Saturdays; 55 children, teenagers and adults at the workshops and 55 adults at the Sunday conference.

“We are very pleased with the number of visitors to the civic museums and other cultural institutions of the city, as well as the number of people who “invaded” it, filling hotels, bars and restaurants,” comments Annalisa, cultural and territorial marketing adviser. Rabitty – This demonstrates that the strategy of attracting visitors through smart events and cultural projects works and creates an atmosphere of exchange. This is not just tourism, but a good way to fill the city with people who come not just to consume, but to feel part of the community. This is a way to become more aware travelers, citizens of Reggio Emilia, not tourists. In fact, Emergency and its public felt accepted in the city, not accepted at home, and took part in the cultural life of Reggio, not limited to what was offered in the program of the event. l


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