Mia Khalifa and Serie A: the union of a football player and a former porn star

What does Mia Khalifa, famous porn star and Serie A player, have in common? Here is the backstory

new midfielder Biancoceleste came into the spotlight during these hours because of his private life. His past hides some mysteries, some quarrels and a veil, which, of course, has not gone unnoticed, since it also has famous porn star.

Mia Khalifa and Serie A (turiweb.it) (photo: ansa.it)

We are talking about Mia Khalifa. The Serie A footballer came to our country for only a few days, but we do nothing but talk about him. It’s about Matteo Guendouzi, who landed in Italy, taking Offer from Lazio. During these hours, a backstory arose, which, of course, did not go unnoticed.

Mia Khalifa and Serie A, what do they have in common?

What do they have in common Mia Khalifa and Serie A footballer Matteo Guendouzi, landed in Italy, accepting Lazio’s offer? football player Arriving in Italy, he had already scored against Napoli, even though Var canceled his goal due to an offside position. However, the midfielder in these hours was in the spotlight even more. In the past he was the main character quarrels and unpleasant episodes. One of them happened when one day they registered in Lorient, he showed up for breakfast in an Ajaccio T-shirt.

Matteo Guendouzi and marriage to a porn star (turiweb.it) (photo: Facebook @Matteo Guendouzi)

Then the coach expelled him from the squad. On the field he was the protagonist several quarrels with opponents, most notably with Bournemouth players Dan Gosling and Neil Maupey during the match against Brighton. In these hours, we are talking about footballer and popstar Mia Khalifa. The latter clearly insulted him on social networks after the match with West Ham.Matteo Guendouzi, you fucking moron! I’ve seen you lying down more times than in 2014!” These pornstar words which obviously looked like a pretty serious insult to the player.

Anyway Guendouzi is a French footballer., a Lazio midfielder who moved on loan from Olympique Marseille and the French national team, with whom he won the 2020-2021 UEFA Nations League. He graduated in 2022, ranked second in the world. We know about him born in France and precisely in Poissy from a French-Moroccan father and a French mother. He is a midfielder, but he is tactically very flexible and could very well fill the role of a playmaker.

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