martin’s weekend jokes

At first I felt like a man trapped in a woman’s body.

Then I was born

– Waiter, is my beet salad ready? ? ?

– He’s at his residence…

– What song do they sing to The Incredible Hulk on his birthday?

– Happy Green.

I prayed to Mecca all day, but my back pain didn’t go away.

If a madman chases a hurricane, is he insane?

-I stole three shock absorbers at work yesterday

-what happens?

-They gave me a 3-month suspension.

Are you still with Bullet Man?

No, this is an aerial shot.

Doctor, is gallbladder surgery expensive?

I don’t know, I haven’t calculated it

I’m trying a slimming cream and the pastry machine isn’t working

Hey, are you still dating that mare?

No, I’m not willing to trot anymore.

Is your friend still in a cult?

No, he retired.

go through?

made a lot of sacrifices

I grew up in one of the highest crime areas in the city.

There are 2 banks, 3 ministries and 20 offices of representatives and senators

Do vegans only eat the soles of feet?

When a vegetarian dies. Will it be reincarnated or reborn?

– Sir, that man is eating garbage from that thing I don’t know the name of.

– Container?

– No, with my hands.

-Yesterday I bought a book about gastroenteritis.

-did you like it?

-No, I sent it back.

A tourist said to a villager:

-This area must be very healthy, right?

-There is no healthier place than this: tell him we must kill someone to inaugurate the cemetery.

Follow me on Instagram for more jokes!

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