Neurologist reveals key to stronger memory

More than 50 million people worldwide live with some type of dementia, this number is expected to increase in the coming years. It goes without saying that in this case it is very important to do everything we can to prevent the progression of this disease.

There are many studies that show that if we change certain factors in our lifestyle, Our brains can benefit, and our cognitive abilities.

In this sense, Neuroscientist Mark Milston Already sent to CNBC, He believes that a series of measures can help the brain stay in top shape.

1. Control blood pressure and cholesterol levels

According to neuroscientists, our hearts “beat 115,000 times a day, and each beat delivers approximately 20% of the body’s oxygen to the brain.” In this sense, High blood pressure weakens the heart muscle, leading to cardiovascular accidents.

Blood pressure should be maintained at 120/80for them it is necessary to control our cholesterol levels.

2. Control blood sugar levels

Blood sugar is our brain’s primary fuel, so It’s important to maintain adequate levels, but not too much.

In this sense, experts recommend Look for foods containing:

  • glucose
  • fructose
  • Galactose
  • glucose
  • lactose
  • maltose
  • sucrose

Neurologists, on the other hand, remember that you mustBe careful with agave nectar syrup or high fructose corn syrup.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

Research shows that people with untreated sleep apnea They are at risk of developing dementia on average 10 years earlier than other people, so rest is important.

Experts believe that the best9 hours of rest, To this end, he recommends:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  • Turn off devices an hour before bed.
  • Do something relaxing before bed, like listening to soft music or doing mindful breathing exercises.
  • Pull up the blinds as soon as you wake up and let the sunlight in.

4. Eat a balanced diet

like a fat fish Salmon, avocado, nuts, blueberries and vegetables Experts say vegetables like arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale shouldn’t be missing from our shopping baskets.

Furthermore, he promises that he always does Three questions before buying To find out if it’s good for your brain:

  1. Will it get bad? Perishable food has a bonus: It contains no preservatives or additives that can harm gut bacteria
  2. Are there lots of ingredients in packaged foods? Can you pronounce the ingredients? Or do they look like the product of a chemical experiment?
  3. Do you see a rainbow on the plate? The bright colors of fruits and vegetables can help improve brain health.

5. Quit smoking

Tobacco is bad for health if we talk about dementia The risk of developing this disease is 30% higher than that of non-smokers.

but Non-smokers should also be careful. Cigarette smoke is also bad because it releases a range of chemicals that are toxic to the brain.


A recent study showed that people over 55 who attended weekly social events Memory loss is less likely.

The neurologist assures that in this way Our bodies produce more serotonin and endorphins, which are good for memory.

7. Learn new skills

Sudoku, crossword puzzles or Wordle are one option, but it is necessary to go further because, as the neurologist explains, The more skills you acquire, the more new connections you createthe more likely we are to preserve and improve our memories.

Expert advice, Let’s alternate these activities with physical exercise: Choose certain days of the week to train our brains and other days to stay in shape.

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