How do I know if my dog ​​has foot fungus?

been cataloged over the years dogs like animal The most loyal in the world because they provide a feeling emotional well-being Through unconditional love they give to their master. They are great companionship and comfort for those who live alone, have experienced trauma, or want a new addition to their family.

So here’s the thing, Owners have a duty to ensure health and well-being In these fluffy dogs, they are filled with joy and companionship. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the possibility that your dog may have claw fungus.

According to the animal expert portal, mushrooms Can cause tissue infection keratinization, called dermatophytosis or ringworm. In the specific case of dogs, in addition to affecting the skin, dermatobotany can also affect the palms or soles of the feet.

The presence of fungi (scientifically known as dermatophytes) can occur for a variety of reasons.Immunosuppression (lowered defenses) and humid environments are some of the most common Fungal infections in dogs are often behind them.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of an infection is important to treat it effectively and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body.

How do I determine if my dog ​​has foot fungus?

Signs and symptoms of paw fungus in dogs include:

  • hair lossespecially on the paw pads.
  • skin peelingwhite or black scales.
  • redness skin.
  • itchwhich can cause dogs to lick or bite their paws.
  • smell Disgusting.

If you notice any signs in your dog, It is important to take him to the veterinarian to properly diagnose the infection.. Your veterinarian can perform a light test of the wood, which is a type of ultraviolet light that can detect the presence of fungus.

Causes of Dog Footpad Fungus

The presence of fungus in this specific area of ​​your dog’s body can have a variety of causes, the main ones being:

excessive humidity

Typically, fungi require high temperatures and humidity to grow and multiply. Therefore, a risk factor that can favor the emergence of infection in dog paws is excess humidity.

To prevent these types of problems, it is important to keep our dogs’ pads dry at all times.

secondary infection

Foot pads are structures that are particularly vulnerable to injury.Direct contact with the ground, very common Cracks, erosions or ulcers Adhesion to the palmar or plantar surface of an extremity made of foreign objects (e.g. glass, metal, spikes, etc.).

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If these lesions are not disinfected and adequately protected, they often become contaminated through direct contact with the environment. These secondary infections can be caused by a variety of microorganisms, including fungi.


They are known to reduce defenses, making dogs more susceptible to dermatophytes. Therefore, these processes are particularly common in animals with immature or weakened immune systems, such as puppies, older dogs, or animals with immunosuppressive diseases.

Treatment for paw fungus in dogs usually involves topical or oral antifungal medications. Again, it can last for weeks or months, depending on the severity of the infection.

How do I prevent fungus on my dog’s paws?

  • Keep your dog’s paws clean and dry.
  • Clean and disinfect areas where your dog plays or sleeps.
  • Keep your dog away from other dogs with fungus.
  • Vaccinate dogs against ringworm, a fungal infection that can affect dogs.

Tips for caring for a dog with fungus

In order to make the fungus disappear as quickly as possible, and the discomfort your dog is experiencing, it is important to consider a series of recommendations that will help prevent the spread of infection. The main ones are:

  • If there are other animals in the house or with children, do not let your dog sleep with them or share blankets or brushes. The likelihood that other animals play a role in disease transmission is high.
  • Wash your hands with soap after contact with the dog; you can also disinfect potentially contaminated objects if you can be in the house where the dog has been and throw away them.
  • If you’re in your car or on the couch, cover those areas with a blanket or sheet before laundering them.

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