Goodbye Fungus: Learn How to Get Rid of Fungus on Your Nails and Feet with Just One Ingredient

people get a foot fungal infection This is also known as Athlete’s foot. As a result of this condition, patients may experience discomfort, irritation, and itching, which can be very uncomfortable for the patient.

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus, They usually occur on the fingers, but may affect the entire area.Reasons such as poor hygiene or a damp environment are factors that contribute to the emergence of these infections, but Thanks to the ingredients we tell you below, you can relieve your symptoms.

“Signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot include a scaly, itchy rash. The disease is contagious and can be spread through contaminated floors, towels, or clothing. Athlete’s foot is closely related to other fungal infections such as ringworm and jock itch. It can be used Treated with antifungal drugs, but the infection often returns,” he said. Mayo Clinic.

Home remedies containing this ingredient will let you say goodbye to nail and foot fungus

To avoid the use of drugs and medicines, one of the ingredients that helps to eliminate fungal infections is baking soda. Its use in home remedies is backed by science because according to Medical News Todaythis chemical absorbs the moisture that causes this condition.

It is understood that baking soda can inhibit the growth of fungi by up to 79%, and its characteristics are its antifungal, alkaline and antiseptic properties, which are beneficial to eliminating athlete’s foot.

The best thing about using this ingredient is that it has no negative effects when used and acts as a natural disinfectant. Other than that, it’s easy to access because you can Purchase at a drug store, convenience store or supermarket.

Next we will tell you cHow to make this home remedy with baking soda:

– In a clean container, pour one tablespoon of baking soda and two cups of water.

– Mix everything until a homogeneous paste forms.

– Place a small amount of the mixture on a cotton pad and apply to affected areas.

– Repeat for a few days until you notice improvement.

Other tips for avoiding infections caused by fungi, Just keep your nails trimmed and kept short to keep germs out, and avoid sharing nail clippers or infected or rusty utensils.

Wash these areas with soap and water, then dry; also put on good shoes Allows ventilation and adjusts to foot size.

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