‘Star Wars’: John Boyega ‘sweetly remembers’ his experience with the franchise | Movie

Ten years have passed since it was announced that John Boyega he will play Finn in the new trilogy star Wars. On the occasion of this anniversary, the actor gave an interview to the publication ebony, in which he claimed to have “very fond memories” of his experience with the franchise. Here are his words:

I always think about the memories of this experience. The other day I was checking my phone and found a video of me and (co-star) Oscar Isaac playing the video game Street Fighter between takes. After a while you miss these people like Oscar and Daisy (Ridley) and the connections you made; cinematic experience, what I learned from watching producers do their work, what it means. And (when) I go to the store and see the Finn action figure, I laugh. I feel like a retired superhero. It’s strange, this thing follows me wherever I go. But for me it’s a very nice memory that reminds me of how far I’ve come despite everything.

In fact, we remind you that as soon as his involvement in the franchise ended, Boyega raised his voice against Disney and Lucasfilm. In August 2020, he harshly criticized both companies for their treatment of his character, downgrading the role from a main character to a supporting role, accusing them of only making a marketing choice (these are his words). Two years later he admitted to “having made peacewith Disney, following the support the latter offered to Moses Ingram, translator of the Inquisitor Reva in a series dedicated to Obi-Wan Kenobi, victim of online abuse. Just recently he admitted be happy to be able to enjoy Star Wars as a fan. In light of this newfound connection, according to some sources the actor may return to play Finn in the film, which will soon feature Daisy Ridley.

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SOURCE: ebony

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