the role in American Horror Story L&P

Kim Kardashian like Lady Gaga: something that goes beyond mere provocation; exactly like Miss Germanotta, in fact, the American super entrepreneur will debut in seriality as an actress taking part in the twelfth season of “American Horror Story”very lucky TV series created by Ryan Murphy. Shrewdness of the producers in the name of the most obvious fan service or rising star of world cinema?

The announcement in the teaser

Reviewing her hundreds of entrepreneurial activities, the very rich heiress stationed in LA decided to return to one of her old loves, acting, a field frequented by ours above all between the end of the ten years and between the first and second decade of the 2000. To date indeed Kardashians he took part in five feature films, as well as sporadically also in some TV series or sitcoms such as Special Guests. But this time it’s different. This time the trend makers will take part in a popular audiovisual product with a leading role, as also attested by the teaser released in the last few hours, which also includes the title of season number twelve, “Delicate”, as well as the participation of Emma Roberts, who has always one of Murphy’s muses, who will be pitted against Kardashians.

Kim Kardashian American Horror Story Life&People MagazineAlthough there are – as usual – no spoilers about the plot of the series, according to many, the American visionary creator has chosen Kim together with screenwriter Halley Feiffer precisely for a role designed exclusively for her. There should therefore have been no auditions in order to get the part.

Does the contract with Disney tip the scales?

The most attentive have also noticed an important detail from a marketing point of view. The engagement of Kim Kardashian in “American Horror Story” actually widens the presence of the American within the Disney network. In fact, the series will be aired next summer on FX, a television broadcaster owned by the Disney group, exactly like Hulu, a channel on which the new season of “The Kardashians” (a docu-series resumed on May 25) will be broadcast on last year after ending ties with Universal), in which the most spied on family in the world will find themselves facing a real struggle to once again assert their prestige and preserve their legacy. While not knowing any details about the contract Kimit seems evident that the already internal knowledge within Disney has facilitated (and certainly not a little) the engagement operations, certainly not simple for characters of this caliber.

Kim Kardashian American Horror Story Life&People Magazine

Occasion of life or pure Fan Service?

And while anxiously waiting for the debut of Kim in Ryan Murphy’s series the question that winds between fans of the show and admirers of the character is only one: what direction will it take Kardashians? Will he take this opportunity as a true springboard towards an ambitious world such as cinema or will he lend himself only to the more classic fan service, giving his face with the sole purpose of driving a certain type of already targeted audience crazy, a lover of divas and glamorous? For Lady Gaga, the serial debut of “American Horror Story” was a real consecration. After being noticed by Roberto Rodriguez for “Machete Kills”, Murphy recruited the singer by entrusting her with one of the main roles in “American Horror Story-Hotel”, effectively opening the doors for her to success, as later triumphs with blockbuster films of the caliber of ” A star is born”, “House of Gucci”, without considering the sequel to “Joker”, due out soon. A lightning strike for the artist of Italian origins, today highly appreciated on a large scale and considered a 100% credible actress. The same will happen with Kardashians? The operation is much more complicated, as first of all Kanye West’s ex-girlfriend was not born an artist, a factor that will certainly significantly complicate her path. Assuming – it must be reiterated – that you really want to become a celebrity in world cinema.

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