The hospital’s new oral health research laboratory…

Check in to maintain good oral health.

September 7, 2023 (10:49 CET)

mataro hospital It has a new research laboratory dedicated to oral health, where people involved in three CEIm-approved studies will be assessed: put one’s oar in The best Lots of; Algorithm for diagnosing aspiration pneumonia and oral health as a risk factor for pneumonia. It will allow the assessment of the oral health of persons participating in the Alliance Professionals’ studies and research, with the participation of hygienists.

Different studies conducted by the same consortium, endorsed by different articles published by the scientific community, confirm the relationship between poor oral health and the risk of developing respiratory infections and aspiration pneumonia, especially in vulnerable groups, due to the main storage The reservoir pathogens are dental plaque and calculus.he new laboratory Research in this area will be allowed to continue with direct benefit to people.

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