What is harvested in the garden in April: Hollywood star Jake Gyllenhaal tells us what and how to do it

What is harvested in the garden in April

What is harvested in the garden in aprile-proiezionidiborsa.it

There is still time for April’s harvest from your own garden. What vegetables are ready to take and eat to take advantage of all their nutritional properties? Even Hollywood stars like Jake Gyllenhaal engage in this activity.

take care of your garden and vegetable garden it covers a fundamental activity for the health of one’s body and mind. Science has proven it for some time now. Dedicating time to this activity keeps you on the move, active, distracts you from worries, anxieties and negative thoughts and concentrates your brain, a useful element in preventing degenerative diseases.
The month of Aprilas well as all other months, has a precise timetable of the works what to do around the house. Do you think it’s an activity left only to people who want to save on groceries? Absolutely not.
For what is harvested in the garden in April we can get information from a Hollywood actor, the very popular Jake Gyllenhaal.

Jake Gyllenhaal's passion for gardening - photo from wikipedia

Jake Gyllenhaal’s passion for gardening – photo from wikipedia

He himself has declared that he dedicates himself to his garden and that it is an activity that he needs for himself to relax in the breaks from his work. We have seen it in films such as Zodiac, Prince of Persia, Love and other remedies (with the beautiful Anne Hathaway), Source Code and many others.
We know very well that even in April it is necessary to sow for the summer harvest. But below we will focus on what is harvested. Let’s see all the useful information so as not to forget anything and to fill up on energy with your all-natural seasonal products.

What is harvested in the garden in April: the list of products

First, always keep in mind that the place where you live and the consequent climate features make the difference. However, in general, we can say that although April is a spring month, nature decides to give us products that are still winter.
Here you are the list of products to be collected from your own garden:

  • cauliflower;
  • artichokes;
  • Fava beans;
  • onions;
  • carrots;
  • beet;
  • asparagus;
  • broccoli;
  • fennel;
  • lettuce;
  • radish;
  • parsley;
  • peas;
  • rocket;
  • spinach.

As you can see, from your own garden you have the opportunity to make absolutely natural and delicious dishes. What nature gives us allows us to make creations rich in color and full of vitamins and mineral salts in order to strengthen our immune system.

What can be done in the kitchen with April vegetables

A first course that cannot be missed in the month of April is the pasta with green peas. Quick and easy, rich in nutrients, perhaps accompanied by a vegetable side dish with peas, carrots and onion.
You can make some rich and satiating salads: radicchio, lettuce, rocket and fennel, all together. What to say about spinach side dishor a nice asparagus risotto. The choice is truly varied and of excellent quality in any case.

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