Ariana Grande on beauty: “I had fillers and Botox, but…”

Ariana Grande30 years old, opened on the topic beauty in a video on YouTube channel Fashionin which he spoke about his experience fillers and botox.

Singer who will play soon Glinda the good witch in the upcoming film adaptation Broadway musicals Wickedshe was overcome with emotion and she was touched when he opened up YouTube video (link here) tell meVogue Beauty Secrets What he no longer feels the need to use Botox and fillers.

I’ve had a lot of lip fillers and botox over the years. I stopped in 2018 because I felt… too much. I felt like I was hiding, you know?”– the 30-year-old founder of the company explained in the video. REM Beautyas she demonstrated how to apply lip color.

Singer Thanks, next began cry stating that he did not expect to be transferred, going on to explain it at length beauty for her it was what she used hide. “Over the years, I’ve used makeup as a disguise or something to hide behind.”He admitted Big.

Ariana Grande explained that this insecurity stemmed from the fact that she was exposed to very young age into the eyes and therefore to a decision, others. “At a young age it is very difficult to know what is worth listening to and what is not… you are only 17 and you don’t know yet.”Grande explained in the video. Fashion.

With purchase greater securityHowever, Ariana Grande’s attitude towards cosmetics has also changed. “I don’t like it anymore that disguise is the main intention.”He said Fashion. “Now I see it as expressing myself and emphasizing what is. Our relationship with beauty is very personal.”

The singer, however, wanted to clarify that she does not judge those who use Botox and fillers. “Whatever makes you feel beautiful, I support it, but I know for me it’s like I want to see my well-earned tears and smile lines.”, explained. “I hope the lines in my smile get deeper and deeper… and I think aging can be such a beautiful thing.”

Winner Grammy Award he also expressed the desire that people are more open about these topics in the future, without allowing the topic of beauty and aging to become taboo.

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