News about influenza, COVID-19 and RSV vaccination campaigns

The event starts at the end of September Vaccination to prevent severe influenza and COVID-19which adds new vaccines respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Causes bronchiolitis in infants.this public health committee (CC.AA. and the Department of Health) on Tuesday approved the criteria for the next vaccination campaign, which have been brought forward slightly due to a rebound in coronavirus cases detected in late summer.

Who should get the COVID and flu vaccine?

In new document on influenza and COVID-19 vaccination recommendations, target groups include “Health facility” staff; This includes pharmacies or physical therapy centres. Students studying at these centers are advised to get the flu vaccine instead of the COVID-19 vaccine.

It is worth mentioning that during this vaccination campaign, Boys and girls between 6 months and 5 years (59 months) Vaccination recommended Anti-flunot anti-coronavirus, except for vulnerability.

For the rest, prescriptions for flu and COVID vaccines remain in place (albeit always voluntary) Over 60s and vulnerable groups. The understanding of vulnerable groups in the document is:

  • Diabetes and Cushing’s Syndrome
  • morbidly obese
  • Chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory disease
  • Chronic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome
  • Hemoglobinopathies and anemia or hemophilia, other coagulation disorders and diseases
    Patients with chronic bleeding and recipients of blood products and multiple transfusions
  • Asplenia or severe splenic dysfunction
  • Chronic liver disease, including chronic alcoholism
  • severe neuromuscular disease
  • Immunosuppressive
  • Cancer and hematological malignancies
  • Cerebrospinal fluid fistula and cochlear implant may be waiting
  • Celiac disease
  • chronic inflammatory disease
  • Disorders and diseases that cause cognitive impairment
  • Pregnant or postpartum women
  • Persons who have lived in residential or other institutionalized closed centers (including prisons) for more than 5 years

The document assumes that COVID-19 and flu vaccines go hand-in-hand, and The risk profile is almost the same. Although coronaviruses have yet to show clear seasonal patterns, this is the second year that both precautions have been routinely considered in vaccination campaigns against seasonal respiratory diseases.

Can the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine be given at the same time?

Autonomous regions will decide whether to receive anti-coronavirus vaccines Time or not. From a scientific perspective, there doesn’t appear to be much difference in terms of safety and effectiveness, although some prefer to keep them separate so as not to increase the expected minor local reactions in the arm. There is no clear evidence that taking these two drugs together causes “more side effects,” and if any, these side effects are mild.

Where will the vaccination campaign begin?

Immunization takes priority over nursing home and other care centers for people with disabilities or dependents. behind them, Population aged 80 and abovetaking into account “the strategic importance played by healthcare and social health care workers”.

The aim is to achieve or exceed 75% coronavirus and influenza vaccination coverage among older people and (social) health workers. According to World Health Organization guidelines, more than 60% of patients in pregnant women and high-risk groups will also be considered successful.

Can I get a flu or COVID-19 vaccine even if I’m not in the target group?

How people who are not suitable for vaccination are vaccinated is determined by each community in each campaign. For the vast majority of people, exposure to the virus in the past three years, combined with the effects of previous doses, provides sufficient immunity against SARS-CoV-2. Something similar happens with influenza viruses.

That doesn’t mean contagion isn’t present, as antibodies from older versions of the vaccine or from infection with previous subvariants are generally not very effective at stopping the virus before infection. However, The body’s defense capabilities have been trained In people with no other conditions, this is enough to kill cells attacked by new infections, preventing their spread or severe inflammatory processes.

It is estimated that nearly the entire world’s population has been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 at some point, with most developing more or less symptomatic infection. This is similar to the situation with influenza, but there are many more versions (strains, types, and subtypes) of influenza, some of which are more pathogenic than others.However, everyone Children over five years old can receive doses if they wish.

COVID-19 vaccination campaign, updated formula

The vaccines administered so far are formulated to resemble omicron variants of the protein, both in their Version BA.1 (typically available Spring 2022) or BA.5 (Available in summer and fall 2022).

Vaccinations starting in the last week of September and October will be based on the organization of each community The “best” ones adapt to new variants. In Europe, only an updated version of Pfizer’s drug called Comirnaty Ómicron XBB.1.5 (“Kraken”) has received support from the European Medicines Agency and the European Commission since this week.

There are other drug candidates: the latest generation, Moderna and Novavax, which were authorized in the U.S. on Monday, unlike the first two, is not messenger RNA. The design of Spain’s Hipra vaccine is based on proteins from previous variants of Omicron.However, this vaccine and most “not the latest” vaccines can cause broad antibody response Fighting emerging variants is not about avoiding contagion, but about avoiding severe disease.

First winter without severe bronchiolitis

Every winter, thousands of infants are admitted to pediatric wards and intensive care units with bronchiolitis. The disease, caused by RSV, leaves them unable to breathe normally and develops a high fever, In some cases, this is fatal. Hospital admissions doubled last fall, and the pandemic dragged on for months.Anything goes this year The situation is different due to the emergence of new vaccines.

In fact, prevention is achieved by administering a monoclonal antibody called nirsevimab. Developed by Sanofi and AstraZeneca, almost all autonomous regions have decided to start giving the shot to babies under 6 months old in the autumn.exist Euskadi, only for high-risk groups.

Beyfortus is the brand name of the medicine purchased in’s inoculated a thorn This protects the child almost from the moment of birth and extends its effectiveness for several years.I’m at least five months into the future. Therefore, vaccination campaigns began in October, undoubtedly coinciding with the period of greatest RSV transmission.

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