Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli broke up. Their answer is epicMilleUnaDONNA

Of MEP extension

Gone is the spectacular effect of separation Totti-Blasiand after the umpteenth famous breakup that has seen protagonists in recent days Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakeyanother clamorous media bombshell concerns stainless steels Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli, 25 years together and three children, that according to Dagospia they would have said goodbye. An indiscretion that arrives like a bolt from the blue and which should – according to D’Agostino’s website – be made official in Verissimo over the weekend. But how did the direct protagonists react to the media clamor aroused by the rumors? They have chosen self-irony. Objective: to ridicule the gossip that too often spies from the keyhole but also the morbidity of those who follow it. With a video posted on Sonia Bruganelli’s Instagram profile, the couple joked about the news of their separation. Paolo underlined the moral dilemma they are facing: to separate in order not to contradict Dagospia or to stay together and send the site down the drain?

Bonolis and Bruganelli choose to respond with self-irony

“We are in trouble,” says Bonolis in the video. “What are we doing? Do we separate so as not to deny this very important news site or do we separate and send the site out of business?”. “It’s a moral dilemma,” the presenter ironically insists. “Oh well, let’s think about it”, echoes his wife. “Also because they told us now. We should also talk about it with the children, with the family”, adds the entrepreneur. “Maybe before they said the bullshit, or rather the information – Bonolis corrects himself – that these sites give us. Never lose the information on these sites…always make other people’s lives”, he adds sarcastically. However, says Bruganelli, “to date there is no confirmation, there is no denial, there is nothing. Make your c …. yours ”, adds Bonolis, spelling out the word without pronouncing it. Oh well, let’s think about it », Bruganelli echoes her husband. “Also because they told us now. We should also talk about it with the children, with the family», adds the entrepreneur. And again Bonolis: «Never lose the information on these sites… always lead the lives of others». Finally, Bruganelli summarizes: “To date there is no confirmation, there is no denial, there is nothing”. “Make your f**k yours”, concludes the conductor, leaving the question open, which at this point will cause even more discussion.

Why so much interest in the separations of VIPs

The separations of famous couples have always been a source of great interest for the media and the public. From Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, from Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, passing through Tom Cruise and Katie Holmesthe list of couples who have separated in the media spotlight is long and painful. But why? Perhaps because people love drama and impossible love stories, or perhaps because they see the lives of celebrities as a sort of mirror in which to reflect.

With social media everything is amplified

But the issue, of course, is not just about the public. Even the media are very interested in the private affairs of VIPs, as they represent an opportunity to increase their sales performance. Then there is the “social factor”. There was a time when separations of celebrities were treated with greater respect for privacy of the people involved. But today, with social media and the paparazzi, that has changed. Often the private affairs of famous people are exposed to the public without any respect for their privacy and their pain.

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