Body shaming, Ariana Grande responds on TikTok

TMany comments about her weight and online comments about her physical appearance: pop star Ariana Grande appeals to fans against “body shaming”

Ariana Grande he replies on TikTok to the many followers who comment on his weight and say they are worried about how he is. The pop star asks to stop this mania for expressing comments on physical appearance of others and stop draw conclusions about health based on appearance alone.

Ariana Grande too thin?

One of the recent post posted by Ariana Grande on Instagram had been inundated with comments about his weight and on its appearance. Numerous followers had written that the singer seemed thinner than before, many had expressed concern about her health. However, the pop star pointed out in a video posted on TikTok that individual photos can be interpreted superficiallyto arrive at completely erroneous conclusions.

“I took antidepressants and drank”

The pop star denied on TikTok that she was sick, on the contrary. She explained that some of the old photos of her, which showed her more plump, were taken during a difficult time, when she was struggling with serious problems. “I took a lot of antidepressants, drank too much and ate poorlyI was going through the lowest moment of my life… When I looked like you consider ‘my health’, in reality that wasn’t ‘my health’”.

“Kinner in talking about other people’s bodies”

The singer reiterated that she now feels in perfect shape and urged social media users to stop make comments about other people’s bodies. “I want to talk about concerns about my body and tell you what that means to be someone with a body that gets so much attention – said Ariana -. I think that we should be kinder in commenting on other people’s bodies, regardless of everything. Even if you mean well in what you say: healthy, unhealthy, big, small, this, that, sexy, not sexy. However, work should be done to try to talk about it a little less. We should help protect each other and keep each other safe“.

Ariana Grande’s message of love

Ariana Grande’s video closes with a message of love and acceptance. “I send you so much love – says the pop star – e I think you are beautiful no matter what you are going through, no matter what weight, no matter how you like to wear makeup these days, no matter what cosmetic treatments you have followed or not or whatever. I just think you are beautiful and I wanted to share those feelings. Wishing you a beautiful day and sending you lots of love.”

When he talked about post-traumatic stress

It is not the first time that Ariana Grande has spoken about her health problems. In 2019, she shared a brain scan of hers that revealed traces of PTSD, resulting from theterrorist attack on his concert in Manchesterin which twenty-two people died.

Ariana Grande as Selena Gomez

Other stars before Ariana Grande have also addressed the issue of body shaming. On the discrepancy between the public perception of what looks healthy and actual health, it was also expressed last month Selena Gomez. After some negative comments received about her body, the singer and actress explained that the drugs prescribed for lupus – an autoimmune disease that can cause damage to organs and which led the singer to undergo a kidney transplant in 2017 – had caused weight problems.

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