People over 65 with this disease

The passage of time is inevitable.Pixel

  • Experts point out that deterioration of the function of one organ due to aging will affect the function of another organ

  • After the age of 60, vision and hearing loss, joint stiffness and other changes may occur.

  • Use antibiotics with caution after the age of 45

he Ageing it is a process that cannot be stopped, But experts recommend living a healthy life, eating enough, exercising and consulting a doctor to prevent some of the discomfort that develops over the years.

this genetics This is also an important factor in determining the tone of aging, but there are also external environment María Luisa Fernanda Pérez, an endocrinologist at the Vitas Fatima Hospital in Vigo, explains that “tobacco, alcohol, poor diet or excessive sunbathing are the main causes of deterioration of health over decades. determinants”.

possible changes From 60 years old this vision and hearing loss, It can also be proposed Effects on bone and muscle mass, and the joints are also affected rigidity. Another factor affecting people over 60 years old is incontinence.

Just like in childhood, the diseases that most affect children are usually colds, otitis media, gastroenteritis… In older people, the diseases are usually more severe. Among them we can find the following:


this is about Hard of hearing or unable to use Due to partial or total hearing loss. As a solution, many people choose to wear hearing aids, which greatly improve their health.


osteoarthritis Accompanied by pain and swelling, limiting activities. Over time, bones wear down, making it difficult to perform daily tasks such as writing, cooking, cleaning, gaining weight, and more.its about One of the most common situations, Especially women. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is also related to the joints. In this case, it is a chronic degenerative disease that causes destructive changes in cartilage.


Is a serious condition It can lead to coronary heart disease (also called coronary artery disease), heart failure, cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), kidney failure, and other health problems.High blood pressure is one of the most serious problems Causes of most deaths among the elderlyTherefore, it is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet, taking into account foods containing saturated fat, sugar and salt. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise every day, or walk for at least thirty minutes every day.

Taking care of ourselves is crucial to our deteriorationupper part

Alzheimer’s disease

Gradual loss of cognitive function, due to brain injury or disease. Often, this cognitive change results in an inability to perform activities of daily living.Dementia is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Unlike dementia, it is characterized by degeneration of brain nerve cells and reduction of brain mass; its basic manifestations are memory loss, disorientation in time and space, and intellectual and personal degradation.

Parkinson’s Disease

disease Chronic and degenerative nervous system It is characterized by lack of coordination, muscle stiffness and tremors.


It is a bone disease characterized by Decreased bone tissue density and causes excessive bone fragility. It mainly affects older women.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

noncancerous enlargement of the prostate Its prevalence gradually increases with age. Its most common causes are aging and the presence of androgens, or male sex hormones.

strong subordinate

There is no doubt that stroke (cerebrovascular disease) is One of the most common diseases among the elderly. It is rooted in a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel that carries blood to the brain. This reduces blood flow to the brain and nerve cells stop functioning.also known as cerebral infarctionl. The most common symptoms of a stroke are tingling on one side of the body or face, loss of speech, trouble seeing, loss of coordination, and headache.

heart attack

There are different types of heart attacks, the most common are myocardial infarction. It is usually caused by initial pain in the chest and arms. With difficulty breathing, nausea, or dizziness.

urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is One of the most common health problems among seniors Its characteristics are leaking urine involuntarily Often, so much so that it becomes a cause of social isolation and loss of self-esteem. Sometimes it is a disease in itself, but in many other cases it is a symptom associated with a different disease.

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