“We’ll only do this if Universal pays fair wages, but I doubt that.”

Speaking about a possible second Mamma Mia sequel, Amanda Seyfried said she was willing to make it as long as Universal paid fair wages.

Mamma Mia 3, Amanda Seyfried:

Amanda Seyfried she returned to talking about Oh mom! during an interview with Vogue magazine, revealing that the cast and crew are ready to film the third chapter of the Universal Pictures film series that began in 2008 and continued ten years later with a sequel. Oh mom! Here we go again.

Both films have grossed over $1 billion worldwide, and Seyfried has a pretty clear idea of ​​a possible third film: “I challenge anyone to show me a person in the world who doesn’t want a third chapter of the Mamma Mia saga.!”

Meryl Streep with Amanda Seyfried in a scene from the musical Mamma Mia!

Meryl Streep with Amanda Seyfried in a scene from the musical Mamma Mia!

However, the actress also has some doubts about the third film, since, according to her, its existence depends on Universal paying the actors fairly. “Nobody says “no”, but no one says “yes” either.Seyfried said.Honestly, those in power probably can’t afford to pay us.

I’m sorry to say this because of course I would have made Mamma Mia 3 for free, but that’s not our business. What’s right is right, and I feel like the third movie will come down to something stupid…like Universal not wanting to pay the actors what they’re owed.“, concluded the star.

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