Cristiano Ronaldo’s hotel in Morocco not used as shelter after earthquake

The publication is circulated on social networks, ensuring that the hotel cristiano ronaldo In Marrakech, CR7 tagwill serve as a refuge for people affected by the earthquake Morocco September 8 last year. In some cases, viral information replicates headlines published by the media claiming the same claims.

“In solidarity with those affected, Cristiano Ronaldo converted his Pestana CR7 hotel in Marrakech into a shelter for victims of the Moroccan earthquake. Not only is he the best on the field, he is also the best off it” Or “Cristiano Ronaldo decided to transform his hotel in Marrakech into a shelter for victims of Morocco’s horrific earthquake. There is no doubt that he is a star on and off the pitch,” on Facebook and Twitter since September 10 The post shared said.

The Pestana Group, which owns the Ronaldo Hotel, clarified in a statement to that after the earthquake in Morocco, the hotel received several guests who had been staying in other hotels and were looking for new accommodation. However, the hotel continues to operate normally through reservations, and no special actions are taken for those affected by the earthquake, so “It is inaccurate to say that it was used as a refuge or to house refugees“.

Similarly, a victim living in CR7 Pestana after the earthquake claimed to, After arriving at the hotel, it “had a room available” and paid for the room “like everyone else”. The woman previously issued a statement to other media outlets, arguing that “misunderstandings of her comments” were the cause of the misinformation.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s hotel claims it’s ‘inaccurate’ that it’s a refuge for Morocco earthquake victims

On September 10, two days after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Morocco, multiple media outlets published headlines claiming that the football player’s hotel on the outskirts of Marrakech “acted as a shelter” for people affected by the earthquake. As a result, social media users began praising Ronaldo for offering his hotel as a refuge and welcoming those affected.

The Pestana Group, which owns the CR7 Marrakech hotel, clarified that the hotel receives “many guests staying at other hotels in different parts of the city”, consulted by However, the group clarified: “It is not accurate to suggest that the hotel is a shelter or hosting refugees.Earthquake hits Morocco, as viral news confirms Rooms are not provided for free but by reservation.

That said, the agency continues to operate normally and provides no special services to those affected by the earthquake.

The viral publications were supported by the testimony of a Spanish woman who stayed at the Pestana CR7 hotel in Marrakech after the earthquake

Media and social media publications have claimed Ronaldo’s hotel in Morocco was a refuge after the earthquake, a claim backed by an interview with a woman affected by the disaster.This is broadcast on the 24-hour channel RTVE In it, on September 9, Spaniard Irene Seixas talks about her experience in Marrakech.

“Now we are very frustrated. We started looking for flights and they were sold out very quickly. Since we were leaving next Wednesday (13th) we had to take a flight that cost even 1000 euros to leave earlier. The same thing happened in the hotel “We had to come to a new area of ​​Marrakech where there are more ‘luxury’ hotels, so to speak,” explains Seixas.

In the interview, the Spaniard continued that after spending the night outdoors, “(they managed to) find a room in Cristiano Ronaldo’s hotel on the outskirts of Marrakech”. “We are waiting. We slept all night on the street and now at seven o’clock in the morning they told us that we can come and they will give us rooms as soon as possible. Now we are in the hall and there are many people of different nationalities waiting to see us It was possible to find a room but we were all sleeping on the street.”

Erin Sexas says her words were ‘misunderstood’ and Ronaldo’s hotel was not intended as a refuge

At no point during his televised address did Seixas suggest that Ronaldo’s hotel had become a shelter for victims of the Moroccan earthquake. When asked about this, the Spanish woman told His words were ‘misinterpreted’, leading to misinformation.

“We looked for new-build hotels and found Pestana, there were still rooms available, but we paid like everyone else; specifically, 230 euros per night. We paid so that we did not have to sleep outdoors the next day and I am grateful to have found a room to sleep there, but this is not an act of charity from Ronaldo,” Seixas declared to

The Spaniards also regretted that misinformation “led people to lose sight of what really matters, which is the magnitude of the earthquake, and the real heroes, the rescue teams, and the Moroccans who suffered from this disaster”. No family or home”.

Likewise, fact-checkers from other countries such as CheckNews (France) and Snopes (USA) (which, like, is part of the international fact-checking network), as well as Moroccan media, have also denied misinformation about the hotel. .Ronaldo in Morocco.


Statement from Pestana Group to

RTVE tweets

Statement to by Irene Seixas, a Spaniard affected by the earthquake in Morocco

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Article from Morocco World News

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