no Cannes Film Festival, postponed release for Christopher Nolan’s film?

In an interview, the director of the Cannes Film Festival expressed regret at Oppenheimer’s absence from the competition.

Oppenheimer: no Cannes Film Festival, postponed release for Christopher Nolan's film?

In an interview granted to Variety, Thierry Fremauxdirector of the Cannes Film Festival, among other things also expressed his regret at the non-attendance of Oppenheimer Of Christopher Nolan from the competition.

The film was among those indicated as possible participants in the next edition of the most prestigious film festival in the world, but according to Fremaux it could not be there because it would not have been ready in time for the start of the event in May. However, Fremaux also hinted that the film could be pushed back from its July release.

Unfortunately not – said Fremaux when asked if there was any hope for a last minute addition for Oppenheimer – I would have loved to, but it will be released at the end of the year as part of their awards season strategy. My two regrets this year are Oppenheimer and Barbie, but they wouldn’t have been ready by May“.

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From the words of the director it seems that Universal intends to distribute Nolan’s film for the awards season, therefore in a period that normally runs from October to December. At the moment, Oppenheimer has a release date set for July 20, 2023, which at this point could slip and no longer be the final one.

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