Men’s Habit of Picking Women’s Disgusting Places: The Reasons

What few women know is that men—consciously or unconsciously— They often scratch their testicles for various reasons. One of the most common causes is itching. The testicles are a very sensitive area that can become itchy for a number of reasons.

he Dr. David CamposExperts say the itching there could be caused by fungus, crabs (pubic lice) or scabies, commonly known as scabies.

Experts also say it could all be caused by underwear friction or underwear irritation.But as if that wasn’t enough, Dr. Campos says the itching there may be due to allergic dermatitis or because Underwear may be made of materials that raise the temperature of the area.

  • Infect:Skin infections, such as jock itch, may cause itchiness in the testicles.
  • allergy: Men may be allergic to soaps, detergents or other products that come into contact with their testicles.
  • secretions: Testicular sweat and sebaceous gland secretions can cause itching.
  • other reasons: Itchy testicles can also be caused by other conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • Another reason men scratch their testicles is to cool them down. The temperature of the testicles must be slightly lower than the temperature of the rest of the body in order to produce healthy sperm. When the weather is hot, the testicles heat up, which can cause itching. Scratching the testicles can help cool down and relieve itching.

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