How clean are our Spanish homes? 20% said they would stay home more if their home was cleaner…and other fun facts

On the occasion of National Day world cleanup daycelebrating September 16th, koboldThe German integrated cleaning company Vorwerk, the manufacturer of Thermomix, gave us the answer to this question through analysis. Home Academyis a school located in Spain specializing in family organization and well-being. How clean are our Spanish homes?

We inform you that certain areas of the house Never or rarely clean yes roof (79%) and Mattress (68%).In addition, we also bring you 10 cleaning tips To maintain order in your home, we’ll go over them in detail below.

Research shows that cleaning Kitchens and bathrooms are considered the most tedious tasks and very demanding. even so, 67% spend more than two hours a week cleaning ‘s home, while 28% spend one to two hours.Therefore, among other data, it shows that more than 50% of respondents believe that keeping clean takes a lot of time and a 52% said there was a lack of time for cleaningat the same time he 30% cited a lack of desire or energy.

training coordinator home school, María González explains that to do a good job at house cleaning, you need to follow these steps: “Learn how to clean, schedule it weekly, and rely on equipment that can complete these tasks efficiently and effectively.”

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