Tolima forest fire calls grow louder

Extreme weather conditions across the sector have triggered an alarming increase in wildfire-related emergencies. Major Luis Fernando Velez, director of the Tolima Civil Protection Department, said it is important to manage the technical response protocols developed by each municipality and that all relevant organizations need to coordinate, including support for local firefighters.

Each city has programs, known as technical response protocols, that include support for firefighters in each city as long as the resources exist in terms of equipment, equipment and personnel.”, emphasizes the Director of Civil Protection of Tolima.

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He stressed, however, that control of these activities mainly rested with communities and that in order to avoid such situations, it was crucial to arouse conscience, as calls were currently increasing everywhere where forest fires occurred.

There are currently 2 or 3 locations receiving calls from different cities due to forest fires.They’ve already experienced a more severe drought in the last month“The man in uniform clarified.

He also cited cooperation with governments in managing these emergencies and the need for investments to reduce the risks of global warming and keep ecosystems intact.

We are also working hard to reduce the risk of global warming and maintain ecosystems, and we will not be able to achieve this if forest fires continue to occur.Velez-Soto said.

Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the increase in calls for forest fires requires communities and local authorities to raise awareness and take preventive measures in order to protect the region’s precious natural environment and keep the Tolima region safe.

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