If you have insomnia and headaches, be careful, you could have the same ailment as Lady Gaga and Morgan Freeman

There are many people who suffer from insomnia and just as many who suffer from headaches, you may be suffering from a disease that is difficult to diagnose.

In a stressful period of work you may have also developed forms of insomnia. It’s about sleep disorders which lead the subjects to rest badly and to worsen the quality of their life. In the long run, in fact, insomnia can cause tiredness, stress, anxiety and depression, as well as obviously preventing you from living an intense and satisfying life.

Headaches, body aches and insomnia? You may have fibromyalgia – Photo Ansa – ilgranata.it

Among the symptoms that insomnia can cause, there are also difficulty concentrating and headaches. So when you start to sleep badly you are aware that this can lead to problematic of various kinds, however the symptoms related to insomnia can hide a pathology from which many suffer nowadays and which is complex to diagnose, precisely because the symptoms are so common that they can be associated with various health problems, many of which are not at all worrying.

Do you suffer from insomnia and constant headaches? You may have fibromyalgia

Two huge stars made the difficulty of living with fibromyalgia public: Lady Gaga And Morgan Freeman. The singer has spoken publicly about the ailment she suffers from when the pains caused by her pathology forced her to miss several stages of her tour around the world. The actor, on the other hand, recently revealed that due to this pathology he can no longer go horse riding and sailing.

There is still no real cure for this pathology – Photo Ansa – ilgranata.it

In the actor’s case the disease presented itself as a strong one muscle pain in the arm that unwinds up and down and causes excruciating suffering. For the singer, however, it all started with severe headaches that prevented her from singing, but also from listening to music or noise of any kind. Those who suffer from it (in Italy there are about 2 million people) can also develop widespread muscle pain, decreased muscle strength in the limbstiredness, stiffness, altered mood, stress, memory problems. There are also those who develop a particular sensitivity to heat, cold and humidity. In the long run, suffering can lead to anxiety attacks and depression.

What makes this pathology particularly insidious is not only the fact that it is difficult to diagnose, but also the fact that there is currently no real cure. Medicines are usually given to relieve the pain and allow you to live with the disease. To date, very little is known about fibromyalgia, but statistics reveal that it is mainly women who suffer from it: it seems that among those who suffer from this pathology, 9 out of 10 are women.

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