Russell Brand accused of sexual assault and other crimes: comedian defends himself

Katy Perry’s ex-husband is at the center of the scandal: the charges are very serious.

Russell Brand is an English actor and comedian who has known and knows a certain success, also known for his very controversial statements, theatrical personality and unsuccessful marriage with singer Katy Perry without much mutual respect. And although Katie tried to talk about the far from divine character of her ex-husband, her brilliant talkativeness and razor-sharp sense of humor still made him a crowd favorite. However, public opinion has once again been brought to the attention of a recent report that exposes the multi-talented artist for committing various crimes.

The crimes alleged against Brand in the past few hours are serious, with the activist and speaker facing charges of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse. The investigation involved four women who filed complaints calling Brand an aggressor and perpetrator of harassment.

Russell Brand: Allegations of sexual and emotional abuse are official

Newspapers reporting news around the world are The Times and Channel 4 officially reporting a complaint by four women who are speaking out against comedian Russell Brand, who is accused of sexual offenses and emotional abuse over various incidents that occurred while he was in the hospital. his best period in his career, that is, between 2006 and 2013.

Brand quickly defended himself, completely denying the allegations and saying that his entire relationship was completely consensual. In a video posted by the artist himself, Russell states that he has received very disturbing messages from the press, but a real coalition has been created against him. Elon Musk, despite serious accusations, unconditionally supports the Brand. The development of the case will be in the media headlines over the next few days, closely following the development of the case.

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