Poor appearance of tongue may be a sign of disease

A different color or cracked tongue is not only caused by eating certain foods or drinking too much coffee, tea, alcohol, or tobacco, but it can also be a sign that you may be exposed to certain circumstances. disease.

Excessive intake of substances such as alcohol, which is part of an individual’s lifestyle, causes the tongue to be stained black with an appearance that indicates the presence of hair, a so-called hairy tongue, but they are present in at least 10 conditions and groups of diseases related to the appearance of the tongue.

One of these is anemia, which often appears as a pale tongue due to fewer red blood cells or a lack of iron in the body. Additionally, experts say a yellowish tint to the skin and eyes is a typical combination of liver problems, known as jaundice.

Others are autoimmune diseases that can cause ulcers and sores on the tongue, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and chronic inflammation of blood vessels (called Behçet’s disease). Behcet’s disease, also known as Behcet’s syndrome, is a rare disorder that causes inflammation of blood vessels throughout the body. This disease causes many signs and symptoms that initially seem unrelated. These may include mouth ulcers, eye inflammation, rashes and lesions, and genital ulcers. A healthy tongue is pink in color and should have a smooth surface. If you start to notice irregularities, your best option is to see a specialist.

Source: press release


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