Experts recommend giving children flu vaccines to reduce spread of virus among adults

Pediatricians and Prevention Specialists Ribera Health Group they ensure Influenza vaccine can reduce 40% to 60% As the head doctor of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Ribeira Povisa Hospital (Vigo) explains, medical consultation for symptoms related to this virus “is due to the activation of the immune system, which specifically recognizes viral strains” Jorge Cabello. “The higher the vaccine coverage, the less spread of the virus,” he said.

Just as the doctor promised Josep Mutter“The biggest advantage of this vaccine is that it works against the main vector of transmission, which is children, since they are the ones who transmit influenza most to adults, and therefore also prevents influenza infection in children,” said the director of pediatrics at Denia Hospital, giving high-risk groups . ” The doctor also expressed the same attitude Jose Ramon Garcia LopezDirector of Pediatric Services, Ribera Hospital Juan Cardona, It ensures that “the advantage of this vaccine is twofold: on the one hand, it protects the vaccinated child against influenza, while it protects other cohabitants, including family members, playmates and classmates, from possible influenza The impact of the virus.” ” Dr. Pío Dolera, pediatrician at Ribera Hospital de Molina, emphasizes the prevention of RSV-positive bronchiolitis cases and their complications, “which means a reduction in the care burden in health centers during the autumn and winter months”.

According to the calendar of the various ministries of health, most health centers in the Ribera Group will facilitate vaccinations, although most centers usually do so during the first two weeks of October. Dr. Mut explained that there are two vaccines this year: “The inactive vaccine, which is usually given intramuscularly and is given to children under 2 years old;” Spanish Pediatric Society Vaccine Advisory Committee It is recommended that children over 2 years of age receive the attenuated intranasal vaccine. ” Dr. Dolera recalled that for newborns, vaccinations could be given at discharge.

Dr. Cavero, head of preventive medicine at Ribera Povisa, recalls, “Last year, the coverage of this vaccine among children in Galicia (one of the regions where it is already used) was between 45% and 54%, and this year we expect would exceed these percentages.” All in all, he added, “Last season in Ribera Povisa we collected 3,102 samples, 422 of which were influenza positive, which means that 15.7% of all patients treated had influenza syndrome disease.”

Side effects are few and mild

Regarding the side effects of the flu vaccine in children, Dr. Mutter explained, “The vaccines are generally well tolerated; Side effects are rare. The most common is a little pain at the puncture site accompanied by a small red spot, and there may also be a slight fever or discomfort, but these are temporary effects and of course not all patients will experience it. Dr. Cabello gave data on how these side effects manifested themselves in patients, and they were minimal. “Local reactions occur in 5 to 20 percent of cases, and fever is detected in 5.5 to 14 percent of patients under two years of age, meaning that most children will not experience side effects,” he explained.

“It is our responsibility to help prevent disease, and vaccination against infectious diseases is one of the greatest achievements of the health system, so all our efforts and motivation” must be aimed at promoting these attitudes, said Dr. José Ramón García López, director of pediatrics at Ribera Juan Cardona . “

Hygiene habits to avoid exposure to viruses

Dr. Cabello, for his part, remembers that in addition to vaccination, “it is also important to develop certain habits that reduce the spread of influenza and other respiratory viruses, such as wash hands often, especially after wiping your nose or wiping a child’s nose, cover your mouth when you sneeze, dispose of disposable tissues after use, if you are sick, avoid close contact with sick or healthy people, if you are sick, avoid visiting family or friends who are hospitalized . Suffering from influenza syndrome or symptoms that make us suspicious. “

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