what happened in the episode

Today’s episode, Monday, September 18, 2023, Man and woman picks up where Friday ended. The elderly knight Ciro is in the center of the office: he sits in front of him. Maria Teresa. The man wanted to pay tribute to the lady by bringing her fresh figs that he picked himself. Despite the fact that Ciro has only seen her once among a female audience, he is already talking about living together. Meanwhile, backstage, Tina takes the opportunity to eat the lady’s gift.

Ciro starts talking about his first wife, who has already died, and how he would like to spend time with someone else. Maria asks him what he would like for the future: the man explains that he wants the lady to keep him company, even better if she has a car, since he has not driven for a long time. Maria Teresa, however, seems completely uninterested, since, among other things, she is a lover of dancing, and he is not capable of this. The host asks Carmela if she likes Ciro, but the lady answers loudly: “No” twice. “You have to like the person first, and then everything else. For him, they should be able to cook, keep company… It’s good for me alone!” – exclaims the old woman.

Men and women, Roberta rejects her fiancé, and another argument breaks out between Elio and Tina.

Episode from Monday, September 18, 2023 Man and woman continues with a turn Roberta Di PaduaAntonio M comes down behind her. Tina immediately asks him how old he is, and, knowing that he is 42 years old, she already brands him as “too old.” A Calabrian, but living in Bologna, he was struck by her appearance and considers her very intelligent. He works for a multinational company and has two children aged 18 and 19. However, the Roman lady was not impressed. “So shocking…sorry.” he whispers. “I wonder what all these Sharon Stones are expecting” Gianni explodes. In the end, despite being rejected, Antonio decides to stay to get to know Manuela better, who has said she is interested in him.

Maria noticed Barbara De Santi dancing with Maurizio, the knight in whom Gemma Galgani is interested, and the latter claims to have noticed this in turn and seems quite annoyed. “Okay, now he’s not inaccessible to others, huh? Maybe we can start with this story?” – exclaims Tina, who then leaves the office for a few moments and returns with tray of cannoli stuffed with ricottaaccording to Sperti and the presenter, a clear provocation against the knight Elio.

Cipollari explains that in fact it is not one provocationand that indeed, wanting to live up to what happened last season, she even refused to shake his hand, although he offered it to her. “I think I’m old enough to understand when a gesture is spontaneous and when it’s done for the benefit of the cameras.” she answers.

Elio replies that they obviously had two different upbringings. A phrase that evokes commentator’s angerwho explains that she doesn’t want to be seen as rude or rude. “They taught me that you can’t refuse to greet anyone. If it had been Mary, she would have accepted the greeting.” – explains the knight. “But she was not threatened that she would be reported.” Gianni notes. In fact, he would like to file a complaint, but it was only thanks to Maria’s intervention that he avoided the matter, as the person concerned explains. Sperti reignites the discussion by telling the man that a colleague called him.”notorious“. “Okay, I don’t care about her” he exclaims, beginning an exchange of insults between them.

Men and women, Christian and Brando meet Martina and Beatrice.

Episode from Monday, September 18, 2023 Man and woman continues De Filippi, who has four seats in the center of the studio. They are the main characters Brando and Christian. Beatrice, one of the new suitors, sits in front of them. The first external one is with Brando. The girl explains to him that he is not exactly her prototype of a man, but his story is very similar to hers and intrigues her. The groom came to Italy at the age of seven from Brazil, where she was adopted by her family. Her birth mother died last year and expressed her desire to see her one last time, but she didn’t want to because she didn’t think she was worth giving up.

Brando really appreciated that she was able to open up without seeming exaggerated or saying something that was difficult for everyone. Beatrice explains that he especially liked his compassion. The girl studies and works in Milan. She begins to spontaneously applaud from the audience present. Instead, Christian was seen with Martina, 19 years old, from Turin. During the walk, she explains to the tronista that she has been working since childhood and told her mother that she wanted to take part in the program, even if she was not able to do so with her grandmother, who passed away some time ago. once upon a time and it was very important to her.

Christian admits that he was immediately impressed and appreciated that she opened up to him right away. Martina had it invited me to swim in the pool, but tronista chose to refuse, considering it too intimate a moment for the first outing. Maria does not see anything strange in this, given the heat (the episodes were recorded at the end of August). “But are you playing a role now or are you just like that?” Gianni asks him suspiciously, but the 22-year-old replies that it was natural for him to behave this way. Both holders of the Classic Throne decide to continue their acquaintance.

Sperti noticed that Aurora was talking to Elio during the dance. “I’d like to know if Aurora danced with him for on-air reasons, or to get to know him, or to talk about Gemma or Tina.” – says the commentator. “I even told them that I would never say bad words, even if they don’t respect me.” the lady answers. Onion asks to see the recordings to be able to check what she says, and Maria explains to her that it will take some time.

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