(Video) 7th District Federal Judge Accused of Exploitation and Harassment on the Job – St. Louis Code – Newspaper Online

Ciudad Valles, SLP – Workers of the 7th Court of the Federal District denounce the exploitation and work of the head of the office, titular judge Gloria Paulina Aza Plascencia Harassment on premises.

Staff decided they could no longer remain silent about the abuse they had experienced for nearly two years. Laura Liliana Hernández Monreal, union representative for Department 61, explained that many complaints and grievances had been filed against the officer, but the government had not taken any steps to Solve this problem. Help them, being harassed, intimidated and threatened at work is a situation they can no longer tolerate.

“Colleagues suffer from anxiety attacks, work stress, gastritis, diabetes and it is recorded that ambulances have come to save their colleagues who collapsed in the office. Now we have a colleague who suffered from an aneurysm and was admitted to ISSSTE and received News about being harassed and being forced to return to work…

Workers say they will not stop working because as public servants they cannot leave users, lawyers and the public to their fate.

Others work from 9 a.m. to 6 a.m. the next morning, sleep no more than two hours, do not eat, eat, try food, and are not even allowed to go out to use the bathroom or eat.

During the epidemic, one worker, Gustavo Camargo Serrano, was forced to carry an oxygen tank to work and unfortunately died. Another worker named Claudia reported , she was also forced to carry an oxygen tank to work and faced life-threatening risks. Like her companions, she recently had an accident while returning to Valles at dawn. She showed anxiety and stress because she was sent to another city to complete her sentence. signs.

During the demonstration, the workers were intimidated by José Carlos Villanueva, the judge’s personal secretary, who held a position that did not meet the required requirements.

In total, more than 15 workers suffered from these unusual actions by a federal judge who didn’t show an ounce of common sense, but she did send her personal envoy, Jose Carlos Villanueva, to say the workers were making mistakes. violated the law, accusing them of errors in sentences, search documents, charges and inconsistencies that he could not support.

This is the first time in over 20 years that a judicial officer has demonstrated to a judge that more than 3 holders have passed, and a case of this scale has never been brought before.

We will continue to inform.

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