Brad Pitt in Italy: film or period at the resort?

Brad Pitt landed at Bolzano airport.. Yesterday afternoon, Monday, September 18, a distinguished passenger disembarked at Alto Adige airport. But what is a Hollywood star doing in Italy and South Tyrol?

Brad Pitt in Italy

Images Brad Pitt at Bolzano airport published a German-language website, L’Adige and from RayNews. The actor arrived on board a private jet, but the reasons for his visit are shrouded in mystery. There are currently two hypotheses at stake: the actor may pass a few days at the medical spa Merano, or will carry out checks for film about Ötzi the mummy. This second hypothesis is not far-fetched. The mummy, found in 1991 in the ice of Val Senales, has always been a passion for the actor, who even got a tattoo of Ötzi’s silhouette on his left forearm.

film about Ötzi the mummy?

A man from Similawn, whose familiar name is Ötzi., is an archaeological find dating to approximately 5300–5100 years ago, during the Copper Age between 3300–3100 BC. BC BC, currently kept in the Archaeological Museum of Alto Adige in Bolzano. In 2008, through analysis of mitochondrial DNA, it was discovered that the mummy’s genetic strain no longer existed. According to recent genetic mapping, Ötzi may have shared some features with the current Corsican and Sardinian peoples. To make this discovery even more exciting, it is worth noting the fact that Ötzi may have been killed by an arrow. Not only that, but he is also the first tattooed man we know of, sporting as many as 61 tattoos on his body, simple dots, lines and crosses that likely served as personal mementos.

visiting a spa?

Brad Pitt he landed in Bolzano wearing his ubiquitous aviator glasses and big hat. After the landing he moved to Merano. An alternative hypothesis regarding the Mummy movie is that it went to Merano spend a few days in the famous medical spa and take care of your body. The actor is known to be very attentive to both his body and his mind. He follows an iron discipline that has allowed him to still have the body of a thirty-year-old, despite the fact that he is about to turn 60.

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