Fight Club: Chuck Palahniuk reveals the only aspect he doesn’t like about the film based on his novel | Movie

Released in 1996, Fight club (READ THE SPECIAL) – a fairly truthful film adaptation of the novel of the same name Chuck Palahniuk where did it come from? However, in a recent interview with Variety, the author revealed the one aspect of the film he didn’t like.

Here are his words:

I didn’t really like the ticking bomb countdown to the end. And (writer) Jim Uhls put it in because obviously it’s an (artistic) image, and I’ve learned to accept that it’s an image.

The author turns to the final confrontation between the Narrator (Edward Norton) and Tyler (Brad Pitt), when the former discovers that he has set off several bombs to blow up the most important lending institutions in the city. In the very next scene, the film departs significantly from the novel, offering an (obviously) happier ending.

Here’s the film’s synopsis:

Tyler Durden and his new friend express their aggression by creating a fight club that quickly takes on a revolutionary tone and ultimately reveals Tyler Durden’s true identity.

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SOURCE: Variety

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