What is Nipah virus, how is it spread, and what are its symptoms?

he nipah virus It is a highly dangerous pathogen that has attracted the attention of the medical community. public health Because it can cause severe and fatal outbreaks in humans.

this Virus It can cause serious illness in humans and animals, including fever, encephalitis and pneumonia.first broke out in Malaysia Pigs as intermediate hosts

transmission nipah virus This can happen in a number of ways as it can be To humans, bats of animals vs humans It can even spread from person to person as it spreads through respiratory droplets and direct contact with body fluids.

Nipah virus is considered dangerous for several reasons, as it can cause severe illness, has a high mortality rate, has the potential for large-scale outbreaks, poses a serious risk to public health, but most importantly, has no specific antiviral Medication to fight disease.

Symptoms of Nipah infection can range from mild to severe, and human infection can be asymptomatic.

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