Lung disease

Reducing the impact of lung diseases, one of the leading causes of death in Mexico and the world, through preventive strategies, timely diagnosis and access to specialized treatment, is a priority of the National Institute for Worker Safety and Social Services (Issste), from “1° de Octubre ” reports Guadalupe Espitia Hernández, a pulmonologist at the regional hospital.

On the occasion of World Lung Disease Day, which is commemorated today, he provided data measuring this public health problem: “Globally, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occupies the third leading cause of death; lung cancer, in turn, is The most lethal of all oncological pathologies. In Mexico, COVID-19 is the fourth leading cause of death until 2022; influenza and pneumonia are ninth, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is tenth.”

Pedro Zenteno Santaella, general manager of Issste, takes this situation very seriously and has improved the way of caring for respiratory health, increasing the team of specialists; opening courses in pulmonology; opening new regional and service centers; updating care, diagnostics and treatment protocols.

In addition, pulmonologist Guadalupe Espitia stated that special emphasis is placed on promoting the prevention of risky behaviors among empowered people, such as the consumption of potentially toxic inhaled substances in the field of narcotics, which is related to cultural influences It is closely related to the community’s participation in self-care measures and avoidance of exposure to tobacco, wood smoke, smoked marijuana and other types of drugs, which today remain the leading cause of lung injury.

In Mexico, the problems posed by the high rates of obesity and diabetes in a way make people more susceptible to lung diseases, mainly of the infectious type, which is why the work carried out is very important. The Management of Diabetes in Stages (MIDE) and the Program for Prevention and Reduction of Overweight and Obesity (PPRESyO) programs focus on empowering patients to lead healthy lifestyles and control these conditions.

Guadalupe Espitia explained that the team of pulmonary specialists at the “1° de Octubre” regional hospital developed the respiratory health assistance program with the aim of using their experience to improve the health of right-handers.

The program develops a lung cancer assistance strategy, focusing on timely detection, surveillance and early referral for treatment; Assistance to Infections, which focuses on treating all lung complications, including pneumonia, COVID-19 and influenza; Pulmonary Hypertension Assistance, which involves addressing all pulmonary blood vessels Disease Program; Assisto Fibrosis is an area of ​​expertise within a group of pulmonary specialists focused on the diagnosis and treatment of all interstitial pathologies (causing inflammation or scarring of the lungs).

In this program we have a multidisciplinary medical team and diagnostic support covering areas such as bronchoscopy, radiology, inhalation therapy and thoracic surgical care.

He concluded that the main reasons for specialized pulmonary care remain COPD, asthma and all diseases that require early, timely and specialized diagnosis to change the course of the disease and provide patients with a better quality of life.

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