Mexico on alert for syncytial virus: how is it spread and what are its symptoms? – Zocalo newspaper

Mexico City.– On Monday, Mexico sounded the alarm over possible new outbreaks respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)Dr. Sarbelio Moreno Espinoza of the Children’s Hospital discusses the situation in Chile and its possible future Mexican territory.

The next cold season is expected to trigger an increase in respiratory syncytial virus cases in Mexico, health experts say, worrying health authorities due to limited resources available at health centers.

Dr. Moreno Espinoza said: “What is happening in the Southern Cone is for us a thermometer of what is going to happen in the Northern Hemisphere. There are always limited health resources that may affect us, but we realize there is an important challenge ahead.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), also known as RSV, is a common microorganism that can cause Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Lung and respiratory infections, especially in infants and young children. However, this infection can affect people of all ages and is particularly dangerous to older adults and newborns, especially those who were born prematurely or were born with lung or heart problems.

RSV infection through small water droplets released into the air When a sick person coughs, sneezes or blows their nose. Additionally, it can remain on surfaces such as hands or common objects such as toys or doorknobs, making it easier to spread.

Symptoms of RSV may vary depending on the age and general health of the person infected. Generally speaking, symptoms usually appear 2 to 8 days after exposure to the virus. In older children, symptoms are moderate and similar to a common cold, including cough, nasal congestion, and mild fever.On the other hand, babies under 1 year old may develop more severe symptoms such as Difficulty breathing, cyanosis (the skin turns blue due to lack of oxygen), rapid breathing, and wheezing sounds when breathing.

In light of this alert, Mexican health authorities are preparing for a possible increase in RSV cases next winter.

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