For Dolce&Gabbana, femininity and sex appeal have no age

Show Dolce Gabbana Spring/Summer 2024 is a mural of black and white sensuality with lace, corsets, stockings and super sheer chiffon dresses worn by models across generations. 25-year-old girl takes to the podium Vittoria Cerettiso far this Naomi Campbell close it with applause. Eighteen year old parades in the middle Maid of Casseldaughter Monica Bellucci AND Vincent Cassel and other tops Irina Shayk, Natasha Poly AND Mariacarla Boscano.

Multi-age casting, which is the goal Stefano Gabbana AND Domenico Dolce is a tribute to women, all women, “because for us femininity is ageless and we wanted to express that through clothing,” the two designers told reporters they met backstage.

The Dolce&Gabbana show is liberation for women who, at 20, 40 or 60, can dress the way they want, without ever betraying the key elements of Italian style, which are also key in this collection, called Women: tailoring, shapes, proportions, black and white, impeccable fabrics.

Subtle elegance, clean lines and silhouettes as clear as those that distinguish the iconic model. Cute jacketoffered in three versions: short, medium and long, then oversized and men’s jackets with pronounced square shoulders and, sometimes, characterized by large lapels.

This universe is in dialogue with images of old Sicily, masculinity and femininity, lace, transparent film, lingerie, opaque or perforated stockings. So, in front of friends they sit in the front row – like a model Bianca Baltisuperstar Kylie Jenner and singer Blanco – Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana reread their canons, exploring and once again describing the different facets of a woman and creating a new female image of extreme sensuality.

“After we turned 60,” they say, “we asked ourselves what is the style of an Italian woman, what everyone envy us, the femininity of our women, which for us is natural elegance and is never superfluous. A woman is beautiful out of time, and these clothes are out of season.” For example, “a tailored jacket that shows off your body is timeless. It’s like saying ‘mama’: Italianness means beautiful, tailored clothes.”

MILAN WOMEN’S spring-summer 2024: DOLCE & GABBANA

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