The incredible story of how Wade convinced LeBron to play together in Miami

YesI first listed them separately Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosz and LeBron James They are synonymous with NBA greatness, spectacle and dominance, and together they form one of the most important, dominant and effective Big Three in the history of the best basketball league in the world.

But the trident was not born out of thin air. It had a starting point. Coincidentally, another NBA star who was never part of this trio marked and nurtured the beginning, but owes its origin to its level.The fourth indirect protagonist is none other than Kobe Bryant.

Years after Wade, Bosz and James lit up the world of NBA and world basketball in Miami, the first of them revealed what it takes to build an unbeatable team and topple Kobe Bryant during an interview with the SKWeek Show Ryant and the dynasty and hegemony he established. Way to pioneer with his Lakers.

and Tony Parker, Dirk Nowitzki, Pau Gasol Liked by a football guest Thierry Henry, Dwayne Wade reveals how he convinced LeBron James to sign with the Miami Heat and ultimately win championship rings in 2012 and 2013.

“I was watching TV and I saw Kobe throwing the ball and starting to celebrate. I picked up the phone and called LeBron. So what are you going to do? This is our free agent and they (the Los Angeles Lakers) are completely dominating the NBA. Kobe just won all these rings, he had five and we only had one, it’s impossible” said Wade, who also had no hesitation in praising Pau Gasol and praising Los Angeles.

The anecdote happened when Wade saw how Kobe, Gasol and company defeated the Boston Celtics and won their second consecutive championship ring.a few weeks laterBosz and James became free agents, and months later, they, along with Wade, dominated the NBA Write a chapter in proverbial history.

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