11 Essential Tips for Caring for Hair Extensions

Hair extensions require care from the first moment of use. Learn 11 rules to keep them in good shape.

How to Care for Hair Extensions: 11 Tips That Never Fail

latest update: September 28, 2023

There are some basic rules to take care of your hair extensions and extend their life. Whether they are made from natural or synthetic hair, Giving them good maintenance will help keep their texture looking healthy.

If you decide to use this accessory to add length, volume, or color effects to your hair, you should know everything from how to wash your hair to how to moisturize and style it. In the space below, we share 9 key tips for keeping them looking their best for longer.

1. Leave them to the professionals

Proper placement of hair extensions is the first step to success. If you’re after a voluminous, healthy and understated look, Putting yourself in the hands of professionals is decisive.

Some people believe they can put it on themselves or with the help of a friend. mistake! If you don’t have enough experience in this area, your hair may suffer irreparable breakage and damage. Not to mention that the extensions may fall off prematurely.

2. Wash well

Proper cleaning of your extensions is crucial to keeping them in perfect condition. Your scalp, hair and extensions need to be deep washed at least every two weeks.andMild shampoo without parabens or sulfates is a must.

When using the product, avoid rubbing the extension too hard. Also, choose to use cold or warm water instead of hot water. Don’t lower your head when washing your face. After cleaning, leave it out in the open to dry without wrapping it in a towel.

3. Brush your teeth carefully

One of the consequences of improperly caring for your hair extensions is tangles, which can also be caused by sweat, heat or friction. However, brushing your teeth gently is a great solution. Just make sure not to use too much force as this can loosen the harness.

Whenever possible, buy a good quality brush with soft, supple bristles; wooden ones are a good choice. To reduce tension on your hair, tease the ends first and work your way up.

You must repeat this process first thing in the day. This should also be done before and after bathing and before going to bed.

4. Dry thoroughly

The important thing here is to eliminate excess water. To do this, pat it dry with a towel but do not squeeze it. Then, Set the dryer to medium, bringing the heat from the roots to the ends. This will help soften your cuticles and prevent your hair from getting tangled.

Remember, you should not repeat this process every day. Whenever possible, let your hair air dry. If you are going to use a drying unit, use a thermal protector.

5. Moisturize regularly

Moisturizing is a key point when caring for your hair extensions. You have to remember that unlike natural hair, they do not absorb nutrients. So to keep them shiny and soft, be sure to moisturize, whether it’s a conditioner or a mask.

Apply the product from the center to the ends and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then let it dry.

6. Limit the use of heating tools

Natural hair extensions are very versatile because They are resistant to heated tools. However, you should not abuse these. If you plan to straighten or curl your hair, limit this activity to 2 to 3 times per week.

7. Take care of them while they sleep

It’s also important to care for your hair extensions before going to bed. Make sure they are completely dry before going to bed.Furthermore, if they are clipit is best to remove it to avoid it suddenly falling off while resting.

One of the tips to help care is to use Silk hood or hat made of this material. This way, you prevent them from getting tangled together. Avoid wearing braids or braids while sleeping as they can cause friction and may damage extensions.

8. Dye carefully

Currently, the hair extension market offers a variety of colors, both vibrant and with subtle highlights. However, if you choose the same color as your hair, it is also possible to dye it.

First, it is recommended to use a tinted shampoo to lighten them. Please note that dyes may shorten their shelf life. You should not bleach them because they may be exposed to varying concentrations of this chemical during their manufacturing process.

9. Store them when necessary

One of the formulas for caring for hair extensions clip Or braids are stored in special containers. Make sure they are cool, dry and out of the sun. Also brush and check that they are dry before storing them. The latter can promote the growth of fungi.

10. Reduce shedding

Falling or missing strands is normal during the extension process. One tip to prevent premature shedding is to brush your teeth when they are 90% dry. This simple action will minimize the chance of breakage.

11. Protect them when swimming

Having extended facilities does not prevent enjoying the pool or sea. Even so, care must be taken to prevent chlorine and salt water from damaging them. Before getting in the water, tie your hair into a high bun or braid.

After your swim, rinse the extension with fresh water (carry a small bottle on hand). Use shampoo and conditioner as soon as possible; If possible, fortify with a hydrating mask. Finally, let it dry and brush carefully.

What should you remember?

Hair extensions have become one of the most popular options for beautifying your hair and changing your appearance. It’s important to consult a professional stylist to learn about different application techniques and their benefits.

You can find sewn, bonded, clip-on, keratin, and other options. Learn about its features and choose the one that best suits your budget and needs.

Most importantly, once you wear them, give them the best possible care to keep them silky and shiny. It is estimated that they can last three to six months. It depends on the materials they are made of and the care you give them.

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