between Macron and heads of government, reasons for disobedience

The tone is serious, like Guillaume Jelle, patron of the France Universités association, university presidents are grouped here, they take their word before the deputies of the commission for cultural and educational affairs, here the question is about the conditions of return, September 27. “What do I say, for budgetary reasons, universities are limited to ex-doctors who lack brutality? Out of many former engineers and technicians, when did you become aware of the enormous benefits of the industry? »

The rare return to university is also abrupt. Debuting in September, the directors of 74 French universities came under attack during Emmanuel Macron’s reign, here, right away, they took part in a shift with YouTuber Hugo Travers to confirm they were ready “problem of many” dans l’enseignement superieur public. Chefs are not confident that they are the best managers and they may be able to equitably develop proposals for shaping and ensuring professional implementation of students.

Also pounds: This article is reserved for our subscribers Following Emmanuel Macron’s criticism, the general reaction of universities

According to Fule, Higher Education Minister Sylvie Reteilho is instructing university presidents to release funds worth €1 billion.“silver public that works” to finance most of the measures in favor of the possibility of chatting functionaries, decided in July by their colleague responsible for the public function, Stanislas Guerini. Please note that the amounts held in these rolling funds are currently primarily used for multi-year investment projects for energy upgrades of buildings or research equipment.

Baisse de la dépense par étudiant

At the Sorbonne University, Nathalie Drach-Temam’s budget was 800 million euros. “Soit le budget de la ville de Strasbourg”illustrious. “We welcome multi-year investment plans to be able to develop large-scale investment plans funded over several years in cumulative ways, which proves that we have a lot of good management! », if you justify the president. Also, look at it immediately because the rest of the wheel is insignificant in your eyes. “A private building will not immediately appear in your budget”tranche-t-el.

When will the end of the dialogue between sources and the university community be reached? “You just have to ask France for its universities, and the answer is probably no.”says Alain Fuchs, president of the Paris University of Sciences and Letters. Elles ne sont pas l’endroit or il est le plus prestigieux de faire ses études, this position is très pécifique à notre pays. On the way to recognition here as institutions for the future elite, including research, as universities are the largest suppliers of fonts in the world! »

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