Simple, delicious and the whole family will love it

Chives are the secret ingredient that gives many dishes a special flavor.Its flavor (and its uses) is similar to that of onions, although usually softer and sweeter, as it also depends on Problematic varieties. Its versatility will save you from many troubles when you don’t know what to eat, since you can make it the protagonist or as a side dish to traditional dishes, more complex proposals or healthy recipes.

Benefits of leeks: an ally in the fight against constipation

Leeks belong to the Liliaceae family.he AlliumFamous vegetables such as garlic, onions, chives and chives also belong to this family and are the most important of them.

It is mainly composed of water, specifically 90%.Furthermore, it is fiber source, some vitamins (vitamins C, A, E and B6) as well as folic acid and carotene. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, the mineral content is not high, but the contribution of potassium and phosphorus is significant.

  • low calorie. It is low in carbohydrates and the fiber is very filling, which is why it is recommended in weight management diets.
  • Fight constipation. Its fiber and magnesium content give it a mild laxative effect. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume excessive amounts.
  • diuretic properties. Since it is rich in potassium and low in sodium, consuming it is beneficial in eliminating fluids.
  • antibacterial properties. Its sulfur compounds make it a natural antibiotic that helps improve respiratory conditions.

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