Effortless weight loss tips

With a piece of paper and a pen, you too can lose weight. Yes, while it may seem unbelievable, these two tools can be very useful if your goal at the beginning of the year is to lose weight with little effort or at least without any magic diet. Simply live a healthier life. In fact, you have to write down every day (and you have to be very strict about this: it has to be every day, otherwise you give yourself too much “grace”), the steps you have taken and what you are going to do. The app will tell you the health of your phone every night (almost all phones have one, the truth is you have to know how to look for them) and it will improve your life in many ways. If you take more than 10,0000 steps a day, you will start to lose weight. And if you set yourself a “challenge” and write down the results of your physical activity every night, you’ll be more aware of how well (or poorly) you did and be able to make corrections in a timely manner.

But why are nutritionists so convinced that walking 10,000 or even 15,000 steps a day can help you lose weight? Well, there are several reasons.The first of which is Walking burns a lot of fat and consumes a lot of calories. The mechanics of the body couldn’t be simpler. You will only lose weight if you are in a calorie deficit. Which is to say: No matter what you read online, you will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you take into your body. This is why moving is so important. Now: To move, you don’t have to go to the gym five hours a day.

Quite the opposite. We told you about this article a long time ago (if you click on the link you will be able to read it) Seven habits you can change in your daily life They will improve your life in the area of ​​health. As? Makes you move more. If you drive to work, try parking a few blocks from the office. If you get home at 8pm, don’t lie down on the couch and walk around the block…any excuse is a good excuse to start increasing your step count. If you find that you can’t find anything, wait to read another article in which we show you the Italian secrets for weight loss.

The other “leg” of weight loss is (obviously) Food You also have to eat healthy things.Here’s why when it comes to turning to real food (Without any ultra-processing or In the kitchen, you can also use the notebook trick: write down what you eat every day, record it so you don’t miss it, so you can cook once a week, create a menu, live healthier and easily lose weight. The key is to know how to do it and commit to it.

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