How to relieve red eyes

Although not a serious condition, red eyes or conjunctivitis can be annoying.


If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them when your eyes are red. When you use them again, clean them thoroughly, or better yet, buy a new pair. Also forget about eye makeup when you have this discomfort.

Viral red eye is like a cold: The virus cannot be treated and will go away after a few days. If the origin is bacterial, it can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Both are easily spread, so it is recommended to limit contact with other people and not share personal items. To relieve symptoms, whether bacterial or viral, you can place a warm, wet washcloth (lint-free and non-drip) over your eyes for a few minutes. Use a different, clean towel each time you apply a compress to avoid spreading infection. You can also take ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain relievers.

If your conjunctivitis is caused by allergies, it’s important to stay away from the source of your conjunctivitis: pollen, mold, dust, chemicals, and even your pets, to name a few. If you continue to be exposed to the substance that caused the irritation, the irritation will continue. This condition is not contagious, so you can continue with your daily life.

To relieve allergic red eyes, you can take anti-allergy medication and apply a cold washcloth to your eyes for a few minutes. If you’re feeling dry, use over-the-counter lubricating drops (also called artificial tears).

If you have an infection in only one eye, you must take steps to avoid infecting the other eye, as basic hygiene is not enough. Change pillowcases, sheets, and towels daily, wash your hands often with soap and water (especially if you touch your eyes), and don’t share personal items.


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