Cantabria starts vaccinating children against influenza and COVID-19 together for the first time this Monday

Cantabria will start a combined vaccination campaign against influenza and COVID-19 on Monday, October 2, in which children aged 6 to 59 months will receive the influenza vaccine for the first time; as well as the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for infants.

For the flu vaccination campaign, it will start in the first two weeks of the month with the most vulnerable groups, those with disabilities and those in senior citizen centres. However, anyone who requests it can get vaccinated at health centers during this period.

Therefore, based on the recommendations of the Vaccine Committee and the influenza and COVID-19 vaccination recommendations approved by the Inter-Territorial Committee, mass vaccination of the remaining population will be carried out from the 15th.

People over 60 years old or under 60 years old with risk conditions will be vaccinated; professionals in health centers and institutions, staff in social care centres, pregnant women and people living with people with some degree of immunosuppression (e.g. cancer) people; and those performing essential public services, such as the police.

What is novel is that children aged 6 to 59 months will be vaccinated against influenza this year, estimated at around 17,200 children, while they will continue to receive the coronavirus vaccine as they have been until now.

On the other hand, the region will also start immunization against respiratory syncytial virus, not a vaccine, but a drug – Nirsevimab – to provide children with immunity against this virus, which causes bronchioles inflammation. Infect.

Therefore, according to the recommendations, approximately 3,500 children will be vaccinated, divided into two groups: all children at higher risk of the disease and children under 6 months of age who are born at the beginning or during the season, that is, those born in April or April . They were all born during the campaign.

The Cantabrian Health Service (SCS) will offer users the possibility to choose vaccination through all its channels (MiSalud website, app or call center). Therefore, eligible individuals must request an appointment with a nurse as self-appointments for vaccinations will not be made.

In addition, nurses will also use this opportunity to test people over the age of 65 who may participate “in groups” to see if they have also received the herpes zoster virus or pneumococcal vaccine, thus also strengthening preventive measures. Those two, bells.

Therefore, people with private insurance can also be contacted by phone to receive the vaccine, since vaccination is universal and not only available to people receiving public health services.

For the pediatric population, parents can request a vaccination appointment with their pediatrician through regular channels.

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