4 tools that will come in handy if your salary is low

As we all know, saving is not easy. Especially if you don’t have much income to make this task more bearable. In order to save money every month, it is necessary to come up with, take it seriously and develop a financial plan. However, there are a few tricks you can use to save little by little.

Granted, the times we live in now don’t help much.The past few months have been Marked by strong inflation In Spain, this share reached over 10%, but has started to decline. The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that CPI reached 2.6% in August, far lower than the level a few months ago. However, this number has set off alarm bells, as it represents the second consecutive increase in this variable.

Spaniards have seen their savings increase in recent years due to the pandemic. When Covid-19 came into our lives, it forced the authorities to restrict our movements. We don’t need to remember what incarceration is like. Well, not being able to go to the pub, go on holiday or just buy clothes caused savings to skyrocket.

Still, rising prices mean weekly shopping remains a challenge, putting a strain on everyone’s finances, especially those on lower incomes. Are you one of them? Well, take note of these tools you can use to save.

its about “Micro Savings” Tool, This basically involves saving little by little, making small contributions to your piggy bank that add up to a large amount of money.

digital piggy bank

We’re already in 2023, so it’s no longer necessary to buy a piggy bank and break it to see how much you can save, but banks make it easier for you Possibility of opening a digital piggy bank.

This is where? A digital piggy bank is a feature offered by some entities to save for a specific goal.its about Auto-save without knowing too much so it doesn’t hurt you. These piggy banks allow you to save money, either from a one-time delivery or from regular weekly or monthly donations. They even make it easy to share your goals with friends or family so you can all save together.

And, hey, if traditional methods suit you better but don’t want to spend too much, you can always buy them on platforms like Amazon A real electronic piggy bank, It allows you to add coins and count them so that you always know the total amount you entered.


Another technique that actually saves unconsciously and effortlessly is rounding. You can do this yourself or use your bank’s app. so easy: When you make a purchase, round up the amount and put the difference in your piggy bank. For example, if you go to Zara and spend €48.89, round up to €50 and put the difference of €1.11 into your piggy bank. It may seem small, but after a few months you’ll get a big number.

Don’t worry if traditional methods don’t work for you; Many banks allow you to do this directly within their mobile apps. You’ll be saving before you know it!

‘Cash back’

This tool will allow you to get certain shopping rewards from stores or banks. How did you hear it?its about Save by spending. Not only do many stores offer this feature as part of their loyalty programs, but apps dedicated to it have also been created.

“Small savings” involves making small contributions to your piggy bank that add up to a large amount of money

The most famous of these is LetyShops, which is associated with more than 3,000 institutions such as AliExpress, Booking or Asos. Its operation is very simple.Simply put, when making any purchase through the app Part of its value is returned to you and accumulates over time. The best part is, the amount you add can be used as a discount on other purchases.

Other “cashback” apps include iGraal, which works in a similar way with 500 brands (Groupon, Bershka, Conforama, Amazon, El Corte Inglés…), Spanish Gelt (Amazon, Booking, Adidas or Nike, etc.) or Rich .

But traditional stores can help you here too. Mango has a card called the Mango Card that gives you 1% cash back on all your purchases, even if the items are not in their stores, and that cash back will accrue in the form of a check for purchases made at the brand.

invent your own tricks

If none of these appeal to you, or you prefer to keep your money in a piggy bank or jar, as you’ve done your whole life, you can create your own motivation.A great idea and you can save money almost without even realizing it Save all two euro coins you have. It may seem like a little, but after a while it adds up to a lot, and you’ll see.

Other tips are to put two euros in your piggy bank every time your favorite team scores a goal, or apply the 52-week technique so that you can save almost 1,400 euros a year. It consists of depositing one euro in your piggy bank in the first week of the year, two euros in the second week, three euros in the third week… until you reach week 52 . Isn’t this enough? Well, up the ante and save double or triple.

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